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SAAD Catanduanes provincial orientation kicks off

VIRAC, CATANDUANES – Dubbed as the “Land of the Howling Winds” due to the fact that it is one of the most typhoon-stricken provinces in the Philippines, Catanduanes started its first leg of the series of provincial orientations for the…

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DA Sec Piñol turns over SAAD interventions in North Cotabato

NORTH COTABATO – Department of Agriculture Secretary Emmanuel Piñol turned over various interventions under the Special Area for Agricultural Development (SAAD) Program to the local government of North Cotabato and to the farmers’ associations during the municipality of Midsayap’s 81st…

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SAAD team in Sulu finalizes beneficiaries in barangay level

SULU – Special Area for Agricultural Development (SAAD) Program Director Bernadette San Juan and other National Program Management Office (NPMO) staff visited the province of Sulu last 20th of November 2017 to meet with the representatives of four identified municipalities…

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