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More than 1400 farmers graduate in SAAD Eastern Samar Farmers’ Field School


EASTERN SAMAR – A total of 1,490 farmers from various municipalities in Eastern Samar recently graduated from the province’s 2016 Farmers’ Field School through the Department of Agriculture – Special Area for Agricultural Development (DA-SAAD) Program.

The Farmers’ Field School Program of the SAAD Eastern Samar aims to equip the farmers with the newest technology that agriculture could offer.


In 7th of November 2017, 400 rice beneficiaries and 30 high-value crops beneficiaries from Jipapad, Arteche, San Policarpio, Oras, Dolores, and Maslog were awarded certificates during their graduation ceremony at Oras Municipal Gym. They were also given 12 hand tractors and five pump engine sets.


A total of 50 rice beneficiaries and 75 corn beneficiaries from Guiuan, Mercedes, Salcedo, and General McArthur also graduated from the Farmers’ Feld School Program on the same day at Guiuan Municipal Gym. They were awarded two hand tractors and two pump engine sets.

Meanwhile, a graduation ceremony was also held at Balangiga Municipal Gym for 300 rice beneficiaries and 75 corn beneficiaries of Lawaan, Balangiga, Giporlos, and Quinapondan on November 7, 2017. SAAD Eastern Samar also awarded eight hand tractors and three pump engine sets.


In 9th of November 2017, 450 rice beneficiaries and 60 high-value crops beneficiaries from the municipalities of Hernani, Llorente, Balangkayan, and Maydolong advanced from the program, as well, held at Borongan City Provincial Gymnasium. They were also given 16 hand tractors and seven pump engine sets.

SAAD Eastern Samar team is now set to monitor the distributed farm machinery and the farmer-beneficiaries’ production output. ###


Writer: Jhomai Canlas, SAAD Communications Officer

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