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Misamis Occidental


Rice Production




Corn Production

Shellfish Culture

Shellfish Culture



Stainless Table

Stainless Table



Cage Culture

Cage Culture



Fish Paraphernalia

Fish Paraphernalia


Carabao/Draft Animal

Fish Culture

Tilapia /Fish Culture






Swine / Native Swine Production



Draft Animal

Draft Animal

Pond Culture

Pond Culture





Misamis Occidental is located in the Northern Mindanao in the Philippines and  Oroquieta City as its capital. The province on the west part where bounded by the province of Zamboanga del Norte and Zamboanga del Sur to the west and is separated from Lanao del Norte to the south by Panguil Bay and Iligan Bay to the east. 

Misamis Occidental is located near the narrow strip of land linking Northwestern Mindanao, to the North-central part of the island with a total area of 205,522 hectares (PhilAtlas, 2020).Misamis Occidental consist of 2 districts, 14 municipalities with 3 cities and 490 barangays. (PSA, 2018).

The province main livelihood was fishing, followed by farming such as coconut and rice. Coconut is their chief crop and it was being processed into oil, desiccated coconut, and coir, and most of which are shipped to other neighboring province like Cebu (Region 7). Other crops grown in the province are rice, corn, abaca, coffee, cacao and rubber.                  

Based on the PhilAtlas, out of the total land area of 205,522 hectares, the province of Misamis Occidental recorded 76,811 hectares of land use for farming. Major crops in Misamis Occidental are; Palay, Corn, Coconut, Banana, Cassava and Mango.

On the other hand, major livestock and poultry in the province wherein native/improve chicken got the highest number of animal inventory by PSA, 2019.

Misamis Occidental is a major contributor to fisheries production in Region 10. It has a total of 24,126 registered fisherfolk under FishR Registry and 3,655 municipal fishing boats under BoatR Registry. Blessed with vast potential production area for capture fisheries and aquaculture, production of fisheries in the province comes from various sectors.

Based on PSA Data in 2017 and 2018, fisheries production in Misamis Occidental mainly come from three sectors: aquaculture, commercial fisheries and municipal sectors, which the municipal sector is composed of two subsectors; the municipal and inland fisheries. 

Aquaculture sector is the top producer grossing 17.9 MT in 2017 and 16.9 MT in 2018, with milkfish, mud crab and tiger prawn as the top three commodities. It is followed by the municipal fisheries sector with 17.7 MT in 2017 and 17.0 MT in 2018 with sardines, frigate tuna, and squid as the top three commodities. While the commercial fisheries sector also contributed 14.8 MT in 2017 and 13.6 MT in 2018.

Misamis Occidental recorded a decline in poverty incidence among families of 17.3% from the 36.8% in 2015 to 19.5% in 2018.

The annual capital poverty threshold was Php 20,376 this the minimum income required to meet the basic food and non- food needs of a family.

In terms of the poverty incidence situation in Misamis Occidental, the municipality of Concepcion at 70.2% has the highest poverty incidence while the City of Ozamis 17.8% has the lowest.

Project Profile
In 2019, a total project allocation amounting to Php 37 million of which Php 3 million where allocated for social preparation, technical trainings and for agricultural livelihood projects. To promote fast-tracking the obligation of funds, Regional Field Office 10/ SAAD RPMSO opted to downloading the majority of the funds to four (4) MLGUs to conduct the procurement of interventions with close coordination with assigned SAAD Technical Staff. To secure the smooth implementation of the Program under downloading of funds, a Memorandum of Agreement between the DA-RFO 10 where crafted to indicate duties and responsibilities of both parties.

Since most of the projects are still on-going and for distribution within this year a target of 973 SAAD individual farmer beneficiaries were projected to benefit with SAAD agricultural livelihood projects.

Project Title Barangay/s Farmers Association Number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Integrated Agricultural Livelihood Lumipac 25 7,447,400.00
Mitacas 25
Del Pilar 25
Mabini 25
Lusot 25
Magsaysay 25
TOTAL 150 7,447,400.00
Project Title Barangay/s Farmers Association Number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Carabao Production Mapurog 41 3,723,700.00
Buenavista 35
Swine Production Kanao-Kanao 42 3,723,700.00
TOTAL 118 7,447,400.00
Project Title Barangay/s Farmers Association Number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Integrated Agricultural Livelihood Project:  Corn Production with draft animal and plow,  Vegetable production, and Enhanced Abaca Production Poblacion 45 5,579,593.00
Capule 25
Small Potongan 25
Laya-an 25
Guiban 40
Virayan 40
Draft Animal Production in support to corn Malugbaan 5 1,890,000.00
Mantukoy 5
Marugang 5
New Casul 5
Lingatongan 5
Small Potongan 5
Upper Dapitan 5
Upper Dioyo 5
Upper Potongan 5
Upper Salimpuno 5
Bagong Nayon 5
Capule 2
Poblacion 1
Pogan 5
TOTAL 263 7,469,593.10
Project Title Barangay/s Farmers Association Number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Integrated Agricultural Livelihood Project:
(corn production; high value crops; livestock and poultry production)
Salimpono 10 7,447,400.00
Magsaysay 10
Bangko 20
San Juan 15
Baga 20
Villalin 10
San Roque 20
Poblacion 10
Map-an 10
Mohon 10
Camanucan 15
San Andres 10
Punta 10
Lutao 10
Sumasap 10
Delapaz 10
TOTAL 200 7,447,400.00
Project Title Barangay/s Farmers Association Number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Integrated Agricultural Livelihood Project:  Corn with backyard vegetable gardening and Carabao with plow distribution Sinaad 25 7,447,400.00
Disoy 20
Napilan(Agapito Yap Sr.) 20
Locus 10
Sepac 20
Guinabut 20
San Agustin 5
Masubong 10
Lower Bautista 30
Upper Bautista 30
Ventura 25
Sapang Ama 5
Dasa 13
Bitibut 10
Salimpuno 10
Medallo 5
Boundary 5
Poblacion(Tabinas) 5
Dalumpinas 5
Sixto Velez 5
Capundag 5
TOTAL 283 7,447,400.00
GRAND TOTAL 1,014 37,259,193.10
Project Title Barangay/s Farmers Association Number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Enhanced Rice, Corn, HVC, and Livestock-Related Livelihood Project including HVC and Corn related Livelihood Projects in response to COVID-19 Balintonga AFFAI(Aloran Farmers and Fishermens Asso., Inc.) 3 2,490,450.00
Banisilon 6
Burgos 1
Calube 2
Casusan 4
Conat 1
Culpan 7
Lawaan 2
Lobogon 1
Lumbayao 1
Macubon 1
Makawa 2
Matipaz 1
Mohon 1
Pelong 2
Sinampongan 3
Taguanao 2
Tubod 1
Tugaya 1
Palayan 1
Labo 1
Ibabao 1
Dalisay 1
TOTAL 46 2,490,450.00
Project Title Barangay/s Farmers Association Number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Enhanced Rice, Corn, HVC, and Livestock-Related Livelihood Project including HVC and Corn related Livelihood Projects in response to COVID-19 Lumipac BALIANGAO FEDERATED SAAD BENEFICIARIES ASSOCIATION 25 2,608,790.00
Mitacas 25
Del Pilar 25
Mabini 25
Lusot 25
Magsaysay 25
TOTAL 150 2,608,790.00
Project Title Barangay/s Farmers Association Number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Enhanced Rice, Corn, HVC, and Livestock-Related Livelihood Project including HVC and Corn related Livelihood Projects in response to COVID-19 Mapurog Peksalabukan Nak Subanen, Inc. 41 1,115,000.00
Buenavista 35
Kanao-kanao Kanao-Kanao Small Farmers’ Association 42
TOTAL 118 1,115,000.00
Project Title Barangay/s Farmers Association Number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Support to  Corn, Vegetable, HVC and Livestock Related with Covid Response Livelihood Project Capule Capule Farmers Association 27 4,717,440.00
Guiban Guiban Farmers Association 41
Layaan Layaan Farmers Association 26
Smal Potongan Migubay Farmers Association 30
Poblacion Poblacion Farmers Association 46
Virayan Virayan Farmers Association 42
Bagong Nayon 5
Lingatongan 5
Malugubaan 13
Mantukoy 5
Marugang 5
New Casul 11
Pogan 5
Soso-on 15
Upper Dapitan 17
Upper Dioyo 5
Upper Potongan 30
Upper Salimpuno 28
TOTAL 356 4,717,440.00
Don Victoriano Chiongbian
Project Title Barangay/s Farmers Association Number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Enhanced HVC, Corn, Livestock-Related Livelihood Project with COVID-19 reponse Lake Duminagat Don Vic Strawberry Growers’ Association 10
Lalud 10 113,457.50
Lampasan 10
Liboron 10
Mamarama 10
Napangan 10
Nueva Vista 10
Tuno 10
TOTAL 80 907,660.00
Project Title Barangay/s Farmers Association Number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Enhanced Rice, Corn, HVC, and Livestock-Related Livelihood Project including HVC and Corn related Livelihood Projects in response to COVID-19 Salimpono Panaon SAAD Farmers’ Association 10 2,939,210.00
Magsaysay 10
Bangko 20
San Juan 15
Baga 20
Villalin 10
San Roque 20
Poblacion 10
Map-an 10
Mohon 10
Camanucan 15
San Andres 10
Punta 10
Lutao 10
Sumasap 10
Delapaz 10
TOTAL 200 2,939,210.00
Sapang Dalaga
Project Title Barangay/s Farmers Association Number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Draft Animal with plow Boundary Sepac Medallo Salimpuno Dalumpinas Capundag Farmers Association 5 167,000.00
Poblacion (Tabinas) 5
Sixto Velez 5
Enhanced Rice, Corn, HVC, and Livestock-Related Livelihood Project including HVC and Corn related Livelihood Projects in response to COVID-19 Sinaad Sinaad Farmers Association 25 2,508,210.00
Disoy Dilona Farmers Association 20
Napilan 20
Locus 10
Sepac Sepac Medallo Salimpuno Dalumpinas Capundag Farmers Association 20
Guinabut Guinabot San Agustin Masubong Farmers Association 20
San Agustin 5
Masubong 10
Lower Bautista Lower Bautista Farmers Association 30
Upper Bautista Upper Bautista Farmers Association 30
Ventura Ventura Farmers Association 25
Sapang Ama Bitibut Dioyo Sapang Ama Casul Farmers Association 5
Dasa Dasa Farmers Association 13
Bitibut Bitibut Dioyo Sapang Ama Casul Farmers Association 10
Salimpuno Sepac Medallo Salimpuno Dalumpinas Capundag Farmers Association 10
Medallo 5
Dalumpinas 5
Capundag 5
TOTAL 3,009,210.00
TOTAL 1233 17,787,760.00
Project Title Barangay/s Farmers Association Number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Support to rice processing in Aloran, Misamis Occidental Calube AFFAI(Aloran Farmers and Fishermens Asso., Inc.) 20 500,000.00
Support to corn processing in Aloran, Misamis Occidental Tugaya AFFAI(Aloran Farmers and Fishermens Asso., Inc.) 20 2,912,800.00
TOTAL 3,412,800.00
Project Title Barangay/s Farmers Association Number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Support to corn production and processing in Baliangao, Misamis Occidental Del Pilar Baliangao Federated SAAD Benificiaries Association 25 6,470,050.00
Support to corn production and processing in Baliangao, Misamis Occidental Mabini 25
Rice and Veget production Mitacas 25
Magsaysay 25
 Support to vegetable and high value crops production in Baliangao, Misamis Occidental Lusot 25
Support to livestock and corn production in Baliangao, Misamis Occidental Lumipac 25
TOTAL 6,470,050.00
Project Title Barangay/s Farmers Association Number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Support to Corn, vegetable and high value crops and Livestock production in Bonifacio, Misamis Occidental Mapurog Peksalabukan Nak Subanen, Inc. 41 4,808,000.00
Buenavista 35
Kanao-kanao Kanao-Kanao Small Farmers 42
TOTAL 4,808,000.00
Project Title Barangay/s Farmers Association Number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Support Corn, HVC and  Livestock-Related Poblacion Poblacion Farmers Association 44 6,874,000.00
Capule Capule Farmers Association 48
Smal Potongan Migubay Farmers Association 83
Layaan Layaan Farmers Association 40
Guiban Guiban Farmers Association 41
Virayan Virayan Farmers Association 38
Malugubaan Malvar Farmers Association 13
Mantukoy 5
Marugang 5
New Casul Upper Dapitan-New Casul FA 11
Lingatongan Lingatongan-Soso-on FA 7
Soso-on Lingatongan-Soso-on FA 15
Upper Dapitan Upper Dapitan-New Casul FA 17
Upper Dioyo 5
Upper Potongan Upper potongan FA 30
Upper Salimpuno Upper Salimpuno FA 28
Bagong Nayon Bagong Nayon FA 51
Pogan Pogan FA 22
TOTAL 6,874,000.00
Don Victoriano Chiongbian
Project Title Barangay/s Farmers Association Number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Support to high value crops, livestock and corn production project Mamarama Don Vic Strawberry Growers’ Association 10 1,541,500.00
Liboron 10
Lake Duminagat 10
Nueva Vista 10
Lampasan 10
Lalud 10
Napangan 10
Tuno 10
Enhance HVC and Corn production Petianan Petianan Farmers Association 91
TOTAL 1,541,500.00
Project Title Barangay/s Farmers Association Number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Support to corn, HVC and Livestock in Panaon, Misamis Occidental Salimpuno Panaon SAAD Farmers Association 10 2,984,462.50
Magsaysay 10
Bangko 20
San Juan 15
Baga 20
Villalin 10
San Roque 20
Poblacion 10
Map-an 10
Mohon 10
Camanucan 15
Support to high value crops  and livestock  in Panaon, Misamis Occidental San Andres 10 924,987.50
Punta 10
Lutao 10
Sumasap 10
Dela Paz 10
TOTAL 3,909,450.00
Sapang Dalaga
Project Title Barangay/s Farmers Association Number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Support to Corn , HVC, and Livestock-Related Livelihood Project and processing Sinaad Sinaad FA 25 5,392,800.00
Disoy Dilona Farmers Association 20
Napilan Dilona Farmers Association 20
Locus Dilona Farmers Association 10
Sepac Sepac Medallo Salimpuno Dalumpinas Capundag FA 20
Medallo 5
Salimpuno 10
Poblacion 5
Dalumpinas 5
Sixto 5
Boundary 5
Capundag 5
Guinabut Guinabut San Agustin Masubong  FA 20
San Agustin Guinabut San Agustin Masubong  FA 5
Masubong Guinabut San Agustin Masubong  FA 10
Lower Bautista Lower Bautista FA 30
Upper Bautista Upper Bautista FA 30
Ventura Ventura FA 25
Sapang Ama Bitibut Diyio Sapang Ama Casul Farmers Association (BiDyoSaca) 5
Bitibut Bitibut Diyio Sapang Ama Casul Farmers Association (BiDyoSaca) 10
Dasa Dasa FA 13
TOTAL 283 5,392,800.00
GRAND TOTAL 1615 32,408,600.00

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BFAR 10 prepares for SAAD Phase 2 implementation

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SAAD NorMin preps for Phase 2 implementation

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SAAD NorMin grants Php 1M worth of goat support to local raisers

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Intensifying KSFA pig raisers into an industry

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MCTGA: Making Tilapia Farming More Sustainable

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40 Subanen farmers trained on strawberry production

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Panaon farmer earns Php 33K from Corn Production Project

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Sweet Corn Project made Gilbert daughters finish college

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Tangub City fisherfolk receive Php 1.87M worth of fishery livelihood project from SAAD

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Aloran farmer earns Php 45k from vegetable production

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SAAD to establish free-range chicken multiplier farms in 17 NorMin towns

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Tatay Edwin’s flight: From overcoming the odds toward a successful life

Just a kilometer away from barangay Salimpuno road in Sapang Dalaga, Misamis Occidental lives corn farmer Edwin Calapiz, Sr. At the age of three, Edwin lost both of his parents…

42 members of KSFA will benefit from SAAD Mobile Corn Mill

MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL, May 27, 2021 - Forty-two (42) members of Kanao-kanao Small Farmers Association (KSFA) received a unit of Mobile Corn Mill from SAAD Program FY 2020 at Bonifacio, Misamis…

MisOcc farmers to receive strawberry production interventions from SAAD

MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL, May 26 2021 – Forty-five farmers in Don Victoriano are set to receive from the Department of Agriculture-Special Area for Agricultural Development (DA-SAAD) Program’s Strawberry Production Project this…

Jerome Madulin earns Php 32k from Swine Production Project

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Php 11.2M worth SAAD’s CoViD-19 mitigation projects help MisOcc farmers have stable income

MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL, January 8, 2021 - Two farmers in the province testified that they now have stable income after being included as recipients of the Php 11.2 million worth of…

Bukidnon expects growth in cattle industry

BUKIDNON, November 27, 2020 – Bukidnon locals may expect growth in cattle industry as the Department of Agriculture (DA) reported 59 births and 48 pregnancies from the 350 cattle dispersed…

5 Mis Occ towns get Php 7.7 million agri-assistance

MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL, November 25-26, 2020 – Five (5) towns from Misamis Occidental received Php 7.7 million worth of Integrated Agricultural Livelihood Project from the Special Area for Agricultural Development (SAAD)…

70 Poona Piagapo farmers receive vegetable project worth Php 2.1M

MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL, October 8, 2020 - Seventy (70) individual farmer-beneficiaries from Barangay Poblacion and Barangay Pendulonan in Poona Piagapo received vegetable gardening materials worth Php 2.1 million under the Integrated…

21 farmers receive draft animals

MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL, September 15, 2020 – Twenty (21) individual farmers received 21 carabaos (12 carabulls and 9 caraheifers) in 6 barangays of Concepcion (Small Potongan, Upper Potogan, Lingatongan, Guiban, Capule,…

SAAD dispersed carabaos to 21 farmer-beneficiaries of Sapang Dalaga

MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL, May 6, 2020 – Twenty-one (21) individual farmers of the Municipality of Sapang Dalaga received from the Department of Agriculture (DA) Region 10, through its Special Area for…

BFAR 10 distributes 13k bangus and tilapia fingerlings for SAAD Program

REGION 10, April 21-24, 2020 – The Special Area for Agricultural Development (SAAD) Program of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) Region 10 distributed tilapia and bangus fingerlings…

35 Mis Occ farmers receive Php 1.1M worth of livestock

MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL, March 11-12, 2020 – Thirty-five (35) Misamis Occidental farmers from the municipality of Bonifacio received Php 1,125,000 worth of interventions for Carabao and Swine Production Project from the…

SAAD grants Panaon farmers Php 2M worth of farm inputs

MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL, February 20, 2020 - Two hundred (200) farmers from 16 Barangays in the municipality of Panaon received farm inputs from the Department of Agriculture's (DA) Special Area for…

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