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Consultation forum held by DA-SAAD in Apayao

APAYAO, PHILIPPINES—The Special Area for Agricultural Development (SAAD) Program of the Department of Agriculture (DA) Municipal Project Management Team (MPMT) in Apayao conducted a consultation forum in the Municipality of Sta. Marcela on 2 March 2018.

Headed by the MPMT Chairman and Sta. Marcela Mayor, Honorable Rolly U. Guiang, the said activity is attended by the members of the MPMT, the Head of the Engineering Office, Municipal coordinators from the Municipal Social Welfare Development (MSWD), and Office of the Municipal Agriculturist (OMAG). Also present are SAAD Farmer Association Officers and some Barangay Captains.

Area Coordinator (AC) for Sta. Marcela Ms. Marjorie Africano Tangliben, and Municipal SAAD Focal Person Mr. Japhet Ferrer Agbayani presented the status and updates of SAAD in the municipality. Issues and concerns were also discussed in the activity with the presence of the Provincial Local Government Unit (PLGU) SAAD Focal Person, Ms. Perlita Castillo, SAAD former Provincial Coordinator (PC) Mr. Warlito Madama, and the Agricultural Program Coordinating Office (APCO) in Apayao Ms. Digna Villanueva. During this forum, the queries are answered and explained. ###


Contributor: Meliza Feliciano, DA-SAAD Apayao Administration Assistant III

Additional write-up/Copy Editor: Ela Arciaga, SAAD NPMO PR & Communications Officer

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