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Occidental Mindoro prepares for 2019-2022 SAAD implementation

MAMBURAO, OCCIDENTAL MINDORO – The Department of Agriculture – Special Area for Agricultural Development (DA-SAAD) Program conducted Multi-Year Planning (MYP) Workshop for the program’s 2019-2022 implementation for the province of Occidental Mindoro on June 12-14, 2018 in La Gensol Plaza Hotel, Mamburao, Occidental Mindoro.

Facilitated by the SAAD National Program Management Office (NPMO) staff, Mr. Ulysses Lustria, Jr. and Mr. Darwin Pamatmat, the MYP Workshop was attended by the Municipal Agriculturists and LGU officials from the municipalities of Magsaysay, Sta. Cruz, Abra de Ilog and Paluan. Also present were the OIC-Provincial Agriculturist, Mr. Sofronio Baranda, and DA-RFO IV-B staff, led by PMED Chief, Ms. Josephine de Sales.

Mr. Baranda started the program by welcoming the participants and expressed that the Office of the Provincial Agriculture will support the SAAD Program.

The SAAD in the province of Occidental Mindoro will cover the four municipalities, having eight barangays in total (four barangays for Magsaysay, two barangays for Abra de Ilog, and one barangay each for Sta. Cruz and Paluan).

After the MYP workshop, the following projects were proposed:

  • Santa Cruz – rice, corn, cassava, vegetables, native chicken
  • Paluan – cassava, vermicomposting, goat, native chicken
  • Abra de Ilog – vegetables, corn, cassava, native chicken, swine, goat, banana, ginger, rice
  • Magsaysay – rice, cassava, corn, carbonized rice hull, wood vinegar, organic foliar fertilizer, vermicomposting, mushroom, vegetables, swine

Meanwhile, the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) IV-B, led by Mr. Patrick Lorque, presented their SAAD Program. It was then agreed that the four municipalities will also submit proposals for their fisheries.

After the workshop, review and refinement of the MYP proposals will be done by the DA-RFO IV and will be then be submitted to the SAAD NPMO. ###

Writer: Jean Amoloza, SAAD NPMO Public Relations and Communications Officer

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