QUINAPONDAN, EASTERN SAMAR — Early Christmas presents in the form of three (3) heads of swine have been received by 45 Special Area for Agricultural Development Program (SAAD) swine fattening beneficiaries on December 20, 2017, at the Quinapondan Municipal Gymnasium. Specifically, for Barangay Bagte, three (3) heads of goat have been likewise received for the benefit of 15 SAAD goat production farmers.
On the same day, a unit of rice reaper arrived in Dolores intended for the SAAD farmer-beneficiaries in the area.
Meanwhile, 83 SAAD farmer-beneficiaries in San Policarpio benefitted from recently-distributed organic (498 bags) and complete (249 bags) fertilizers.
Last but not the least on SAAD’s (Christmas) list, 59 swine fattening beneficiaries in San Eduardo, Oras received 4.5 bags of starter feeds each. ###
Writer: Ela Arciaga, SAAD PR & Communications Officer
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