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Fish Paraphernalia

Fish Paraphernalia

Cage Culture

Cage Culture

Fishing Boats

Fishing Boats











Post Harvest

Post Harvest





The province of Leyte is one of the six provinces of Eastern Visayas Region located in Central Philippines adjacent to Cebu which ranks eight in size among larger islands in the Philippine Archipelago. It lies adjacent to the island of Samar, connected by the San Juanico Strait, and east of the islands of Cebu and Bohol. It is bounded in the north by the Carigara Bay and in the east by the Leyte Gulf. To the west is the Camotes Sea, while the province of Southern Leyte lies south. It is the largest and the oldest province in the Eastern Visayas region comprising approximately 27% or 571,276 hectares of the region’s total land area of 2,143,169 hectare (DENR RFO VIII, 2016). It is composed of forty (40) municipalities and two cities, Ormoc and Baybay, which serve as its commercial centers. It has five (5) congressional districts and has a total of 1,503 barangays.

The terrain of the province is relatively flat to gently rolling and becoming mountainous and rough towards the center where a mountain range begins. This cordillera divides the province into its eastern and western plains. Peaks of approximately 2,295 to 3,280 feet high extend from north to south. The first category is 0 to 3% slope of flatlands covering an area of 173,801 hectares or 30.4% of the total land area. These areas are considered as irrigable and highly suitable for agriculture, urban and industrial uses. The 3% to 8% slope is characterized as gently sloping to undulating and suitable for agricultural and non-agricultural uses. This covers 46,722 hectares or 8.2% of the total land area. The slope between 8% and 18% has a wide variety of uses and suitable areas for planting seasonal and permanent crops. Hilly to mountainous areas which are categorically within the 18% to 30% slope comprise a total land area of 163,220 hectares or 28.6%.  Around 30% to 50% slope category is classified as moderately steep to very steep which covers 84,623 hectares or 14.8%.  Slope above 50% covering 30,707 hectares is characterized as very steep to extremely rough mountainous areas equivalent to 5.4%.

Leyte has two types of climate. The eastern part has Type II climate characterized by very pronounced rainfall from November to January.  The western portion has Type IV climate with rainfall that is more or less distributed throughout the year.  Leyte Gulf is affected by both the SE and NE monsoons.  As a result, there are no pronounced wet and dry seasons.  The NE monsoons nevertheless have a greater effect bringing slightly more rainfall during the months of November, December and January.  Compared with other provinces of the country, Leyte has an even and moderate temperature with an average annual maximum of 30°C, minimum of 24°C and an average of 27.3°C.

Agricultural areas in Eastern Visayas total 976,385 ha in which 34% of this or 332,018 ha constitutes for the agricultural land of the province of Leyte. Of the provinces in the region, it also has the largest croplands, its area planted to crops totaling 322,252 ha or 97% of its total agricultural lands.   Leyte also has the most extensive ricelands, which measure 84,277 ha.

On the 2018 PSA Report, the major crops of the province include rice, coconut, and corn. With the volume of production of 486, 878 MT, 94,475 MT, and 48,300 MT, respectively.

For the poultry sector, the province’s focus is on the production of native/improved chicken and duck. On the other hand, for the livestock sector, the province’s focus is on swine and carabao production. The PSA recorded that the province has produced 55,368 heads of chicken, 677 heads of duck, 51,174 heads of swine, and 5,699 heads of carabao for the year 2019.

The province has 4 major fishing grounds, namely: Carigara Bay, Leyte Gulf, San Pedro Bay, Camotes Sea, Ormoc Bay, Danajon Bank, and Visayan Sea. Fishing at the eastern side of the province, that is the municipalities facing Leyte Gulf and San Pedro Bay, is highly seasonal being lean during Southwest Monsoon (April-October) and peak during Northeast Monsoon (November-March). On the other hand, municipalities in Carigara Bay experience lean fishing season during Northeast Monsoon and peak fishing season during Southwest Monsoon.

In the 4th quarter of 2019, the biggest contributor in terms of volume of production is aquaculture at 8,331 metric tons, followed by municipal at 4,476, and last is commercial at 187.

The major species are milkfish, tilapia, seaweeds, shellfish, shrimp, sardines, yellow stripe scad, mackerel, crabs, and flying fish.

Source: PSA, 2019

Leyte is included in the list of the poorest provinces in the Philippines with 31.4% poverty incidence among families in 2012 (128,273 no. of families). A noticeable decrease in the poverty incidence was seen for the year 2015 with a rate of 23.6% or about 111,394 families. This has been the highest decrease the province has ever experienced since 2006. Leyte was one of the most affected areas by the super typhoon Yolanda that struck on November 8, 2013. Many livelihoods in the locals have been damaged. The province recorded an annual poverty threshold for the year 2015 at Php 20,807.

The 2015 PSA report also showed that the municipality of Leyte, recorded the highest poverty incidence rate at 47.1% and the City of Tacloban to have the lowest poverty incidence rate at 21.5%.

In terms of the poverty situation in Leyte, the municipality of Leyte has the highest poverty incidence at 47.1% while the city of Tacloban has the lowest at 21.5%.

In 2018, the provinces of Leyte and Southern Leyte were added to five existing provinces under the region that are covered by the Special Area for Agricultural Development (SAAD) Program of the DA. Livelihood production such as, rice production, corn production, vegetable production, swine production and swine fattening were given to farmer individuals and associations for the years 2018-2019.
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Vegetable Production Lukay Lukay Farmers Association 17 141462
Lourdes Lourdes Farmers Association 18 141462
Bugho Bugho Small Farmers Association 24 141462
TOTAL 59 424386
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Corn Production Villa Aurora Multi-Inter Compact Integrated Farming of Villa Aurora Farmers Association 21 250500
Villa Aurora 5 145200
Calsadahay 2
Limburan 2
Balao 2
Pawa 1
TOTAL 33 395700
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Corn Production Kawayan Bugtong Kawayan Bugtong United Farmers Association/ Powertiller with Multicultivator 20 250500
Kawayan Bugtong 9 145200
Swine Production Kawayan Bugtong 11 558536.67
Swine Fattening Malobago 24 1186607.14
Vegetable Production Patag Patag Agri-Farmers Association 18 141462
TOTAL 82 2282305.81
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Swine Fattening Balugo 21 1186607.14
Vegetable Production Cabul-an Dapdap Badiang Farmers and Fisherfolks Association 36 141462
Swine Production Cabul-an 11 558536.67
Corn Production Sto. Niño 15 145200
Vegetable Production Visares Association of Informal Workers of Visares 25 141462
TOTAL 108 2173267.81
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Corn Production San Isidro Kangara Pagbabago SLP Association 15 250500
TOTAL 15 250500
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Corn Production Capulhan Capulhan Upland Farmers Association 17 250500
Capulhan 17 145200
Abre 11
Swine Fattening Poponton 26 1186607.14
Vegetable Production Caluctogan Caluctogan Farmers Association 39 141462
Swine Production Hiabangan 11 558536.67
Katipunan 11 558536.67
TOTAL 132 2840842.48
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Corn Production Caridad Caridad Integrated Farmers Association 25 250500
Caridad 26 145200
San Andres 3
TOTAL 54 395700
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Vegetable Production Duyog Duyog Vegetable Farmers Association 34 141462
Swine Production San Victoray 11 558536.67
Tarugan 11 558536.67
Swine Fattening Bagacay West 28 1186607.14
Bocawon 31 1186607.14
TOTAL 115 3631749.62
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Swine Production Mataloto 11 558536.67
Tapol 11 558536.67
Corn Production Tagabaca Tag-abaca Hillside Farmers Association 21 250500
Tagabaca 12 145200
Vegetable Production Wague Barangay Wague Farmers Association 32 141462
TOTAL 87 1654235.34
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Vegetable Production Cansoso Cansoso Livelihood Association of Workers 23 141462
Corn Production Naulayan Naulayan Integrated Farmers Association 15 250500
Naulayan 29 145200
Swine Fattening San Vicente 31 1186607.14
Vegetable Production Sta. Rosa Sta. Rosa Farmers Association 50 141462
Swine Production Sta. Rosa 11 558536.67
TOTAL 159 2423767.81
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Vegetable Production Halaba Halaba Farmers Association 20 141462
Lima Sagana Farmers Association 29 141462
Swine Production Colawen 11 558536.67
Aringit 11 558536.67
Capilla 11 558536.67
Malitbogay 11 558536.67
Swine Fattening Patong 31 1186607.14
TOTAL 124 3703677.82
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Corn Production Basud Basud Farmers Association 20 250500
Basud 12 145200
Vegetable Production Bunacan Bunacan Vegetable Farmers Association 29 141462
Capiñahan Sitio Duka-Kwatro Farmers Association 15 141462
Swine Production Capiñahan 11 558536.67
Swine Fattening Taglawigan 31 1186607.14
TOTAL 118 2423767.81
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Corn Production Patong Patong Farmers Association 24 250500
Patong 24 145200
TOTAL 24 395700
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Vegetable Production San Isidro These Abled Person Tiera Ezperanza Farmers Association 22 141462
Bulod Bulod Integrated Farmers Association 21 141462
TOTAL 43 282924
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Swine Fattening Butason 1 Butason 1Farmers Association 35 1200000
Butason 1 30 1186607.14
Swine Production Butason 1 11 558536.67
Corn Production Butason II Integrated Farmers Association of Butason 2 23 250500
Butason II 19 145200
Swine Production Sta. Rosa 11 558536.67
Campokpok 11 558536.67
Swine Fattening Omaganhan 31 1186607.14
TOTAL 171 5644524.29
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Swine Fattening A Tumamak 31 1186607.14
Vegetable Production A. Tumamak Cabunga-an Integrated Farmers Association 31 141462
Abijao Abijao Farmers Association 26 141462
Cagnocot Samahan ng Munting Magsasaka ng Cognocot Farmers Association 21 141462
Swine Production Cagnocot 11 558536.67
Swine Fattening Catagbacan 31 1186607.14
Iligay 31 1186607.14
Tinghub 31 1186607.14
TOTAL 213 5729351.23
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Vegetable Production Lukay Lukay Farmers Association 17 283151.5
Lourdes Lourdes Farmers Association 18 283151.5
Bugho Bugho Small Farmers Association 24 283151.5
TOTAL 59 849454.5
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Corn Production Villa Aurora 5 329764
Calsadahay 2
Limburan 2
Balao 2
Pawa 1
TOTAL 12 329764
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Corn Production Kawayan Bugtong 9 329764
Swine Production Kawayan Bugtong 11 101864.9
Swine Fattening Malobago 24 679688.6
Vegetable Production Patag Patag Agri-Farmers Association 18 283151.5
Rice Production Laray 35 211467.5
Hda Enage 10 211467.5
Villalon Calubian Central Farmers Association 15 211467.5
Villalon 19 139216
TOTAL 141 2168087
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Swine Fattening Balugo 21 679688.6
Vegetable Production Cabul-an Dapdap Badiang Farmers and Fisherfolks Association 36 283151.5
Swine Production Cabul-an 11 101864.9
Corn Production Sto. Niño 15 329764
Vegetable Production Visares Association of Informal Workers of Visares 25 283151.5
Rice Production Lemon 46 422935
TOTAL 154 2100555
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Corn Production Capulhan 17 329764
Abre 11
Swine Fattening Poponton 26 679688.6
Vegetable Production Caluctogan Caluctogan Farmers Association 39 283151.5
Swine Production Hiabangan 11 101864.9
Katipunan 11 101864.9
TOTAL 115 1496334
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Corn Production San Andres 3 329764
Caridad 26
Rice Production Sto. Niño 48 562151
Balante Balante Julita Irrigators Association Inc. 80 696080
TOTAL 157 891915
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Vegetable Production Duyog Duyog Vegetable Farmers Association 34 283151.5
Swine Production San Victoray 11 101864.9
Tarugan 11 101864.9
Swine Fattening Bagacay West 28 679688.6
Bocawon 31 679688.6
Rice Production Duyog 20 211467.5
Gimiranat East 20 211467.5
TOTAL 155 2269193
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Swine Production Mataloto 11 101864.9
Swine Production Tapol 11 101864.9
Corn Production Tagabaca 12 329764
Vegetable Production Wague Barangay Wague Farmers Association 32 283151.5
TOTAL 34 816645.3
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Corn Production Naulayan 29 329764
Swine Fattening San Vicente 31 679688.6
Vegetable Production Sta. Rosa Sta. Rosa Farmers Association 50 283151.5
Cansoso Cansoso Livelihood Association of Workers 23 283151.5
Swine Production Sta. Rosa 11 101864.9
Rice Production Imelda Imelda Farm Workers Association 15 139216
Imelda 19 185034.1
Cansoso 14 185034.1
TOTAL 192 2186905
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Vegetable Production Halaba Halaba Farmers Association 20 283151.5
Lima Sagana Farmers Association 29 283151.5
Swine Production Colawen 11 101864.9
Aringit 11 101864.9
Capilla 11 101864.9
Malitbogay 11 101864.9
Swine Fattening Patong 31 679688.6
TOTAL 124 1653451
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Corn Production Basud 12 329764
Vegetable Production Bunacan Bunacan Vegetable Farmers Association 29 283151.5
Capiñahan Sitio Duka-Kwatro Farmers Association 15 283151.5
Swine Production Capiñahan 11 101864.9
Swine Fattening Taglawigan 31 679688.6
Rice Production Banat-I 28 317201.3
Daja-Diot 30 317201.3
TOTAL 156 2312023
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Corn Production Patong 24 329764
Rice Production Impo Impo Farmers Association 15 139216
Impo 33 370068.1
TOTAL 39 839048.1
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Vegetable Production San Isidro These Abled Person Tiera Ezperanza Farmers Association 22 283151.5
Bulod Bulod Integrated Farmers Association 20 283151.5
TOTAL 42 566303
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Swine Fattening Butason 1 Butason 1 Farmers Association 35 781553.5
Butason 1 30
Swine Production Butason 1 11
Corn Production Butason II 19 329764
Swine Production Sta Rosa 11 101864.9
Campokpok 11 101864.9
Swine Fattening Omaganhan 31 679688.6
Rice Production Butason II 12 158600.6
Campokpok 17 158600.6
Gimarco 11 158600.6
TOTAL 188 2470538
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Vegetable Production Abijao Abijao Farmers Association 26 283151.5
A Tumamak Cabunga-an Integrated Farmers Association 31 283151.5
Cagnocot Samahan ng Munting Magsasaka ng Cognocot Farmers Association 21 245800.4
Swine Production Cagnocot 11 139216
Swine Fattening Catagbacan 31 679688.6
Iligay 31 679688.6
A Tumamak 31 679688.6
Tinghub 31 679688.6
Rice Production New Balanac 31 237900.9
Cagnocot 15 237900.9
Cagnocot Bagong Henerasyon Cagnocot Farmers Association 15 139216
TOTAL 274 4285092
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Swine Production BALUGO Balugo Farmers Association 16 852485
CABUL-AN Dapdap Badiang Farmers and Fisherfolks Association 46 852485
TOTAL 62 1704970
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Mallard Duck Production CANLINGGA Canlingga Irrigators Association 45 764700
MARAGONDONG Maragondong Farmers Association 22 764700
HINUBAYAN Hinabuyan Integrated Farmers Association 17 764700
HINULOGAN Brgy. Hinulogan Farmers Associaiton 31 764700
CALSADAHAY Integrated Farmers Assocation of Calsadahay 23 764700
TOTAL 138 3823500
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Goat Production MANSAHAON Jackfruit United Matagob Planters 44 771633.3
CANSOSO Cansoso Livelihood Association of Workers 26 771633.3
SAN MARCELINO San Marcelino Integrated Farmers Association 27 771633.3
TOTAL 97 2314900
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Chicken layer Production BASUD Basud Livelihood Entrepreneur Association 75 2119500
CAPIÑAHAN Capiñahan Farmers Association 28 2119500
TOTAL 103 4239000
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Swine Production BALINGASAG Balingasag Farmers Association 20 852485
CAMBUCAO Cambucao Farmers Association 26 852485
TOTAL 46 1704970
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Native Chicken and Peanut Production & Marketing San Roque San Roque Farmers and Fisherfolks Association 20 398866.7
Vegetable Production Libertad Libertad Progresive Agricultural Farmers Association 22 134754
TOTAL 42 533620.7
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Native Chicken and Banana Lakatan Production & Marketing Damulaan Capinhan Farmers Sustainable Livelihood Programs 17 693600
Native Chicken Production & Marketing Seguinon Seguinon Farmers Association 23 393566.7
TOTAL 40 1087167
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Egg Layer Production and Marketing Bulod Bulod Agriculture Cooperative 33 1928944
Abango Abango Farmers Association 23 1928944
TOTAL 56 3857889
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Vegetable Production Kabungaan Kabungaan Farmers Association 34 134754
Balao Balao Farmers Association 21 134754
TOTAL 55 269508
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Egg Layer Production and Marketing Matin-ao Matin-ao Farmers Association 21 1928944
TOTAL 21 1928944
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Egg Layer Production and Marketing San Antonio San Antonio Rural Improvement Club Association 24 1928944
TOTAL 24 1928944
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Vegetable Production Anahaw Anahaw Lowland and Upland Farmers Association 21 134754
Anolon Anolon Farmers Association 24 134754
TOTAL 45 269508
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Native Chicken and Peanut Production & Marketing Cabulisan Cabulisan Multipurpose Upland Farmers Association 20 398866.7
Tahud Sitio Olonglines Farmers Association 19 398866.7
TOTAL 39 797733.3
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Native Chicken and Banana Lakatan Production & Marketing Daro Daro Integrated Farmers Asssociation 21 693600
TOTAL 21 693600
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Native Chicken Production & Marketing San Sotero San Sotero Farmers Association 23 393566.7
Vegetable Production Manlilisid Manlilisid Integrated Farmers Association 22 134754
TOTAL 45 528320.7
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Rice and Duck Production Project Libas Libas Leyte leyte Agriculture Cooperative 29 1295900
Vegetable Production Palid 1 Sitio Lawad Farmers Association 30 134754
TOTAL 59 1430654
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Vegetable Production Oguisan Oguisan Farmers Association 20 134754
Sta Isabel Sta Isabel Integrated Organic Farmers Organization 24 134754
San Antonio San Antonio Integrated Farmers Association 20 134754
TOTAL 64 404262
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Native Chicken Production & Marketing San Juan San Juan Integrated Farmers Association 18 393566.7
Vegetable Production Hiloctogan Hiluctogan Integrated Farmers Association 22 134754
Malinao Malinao Upland Farmers Association 25 134754
TOTAL 65 663074.7
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Rice and Duck Production Project Sto. Rosario Sto Rosario Farmers Association 23 1295900
Equipment Support for the Goat Production Cansoso Cansoso Livelihoods Association Of Workers 26 102267
Mansahaon Jackfruit United of Matag Ob Planters 44 102267
San Marcelino San Marcelino Integrated Farmers Association 27 102267
Egg Layer Production and Marketing Malazarte Malazarte Upland Farmers Association 15 1928944
TOTAL 135 3531645
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Rice and Duck Production Project Cabatianuhan Palayanon Unlad Farmers Association 22 1295900
TOTAL 22 1295900
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Egg Layer Production and Marketing San Isidro St Isidore Greenfield Community Association 28 1928944
TOTAL 28 1928944
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Vegetable Production Gibacungan Sitio Binanig Farmers Association 20 134754
TOTAL 20 134754
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Vegetable Production Opong Opong Real Rice Farmers Association 28 134754
TOTAL 28 134754
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Egg Layer Production and Marketing San Roque Tunga Leyte High Valued Crops Farmers Association 16 1928944
San Roque San Roque Womens Welfare Association 21 1928944
TOTAL 37 3857889
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Rice and Duck Production Project Libagong Libagong Farmers Association 32 1295900
Egg Layer Production and Marketing Sta Cruz Sta Cruz Farmers Association 20 1928944
TOTAL 52 3224844
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Distribution of fishing gears Bagacay 5 39615
San Roque 9 71307
Tib-o 7 55461
Victory 9 71307
Payao Materials 2 groups 46430
Total 30 284120
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Distribution of fishing gears Balugo 5 41240
Poblacion 18 148464
Talisayan 12 98976
Payao Materials 1 group 46430
Total 1 35 335110
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Distribution of fishing gears Bacong 7 55461
Biasong 9 65219
District 1 31 215173
District II 1 1835
District III 4 7340
District IV 19 150537
Gov. E. Jaro 2 15846
Guintigui-an 14 25690
Magcasuang 3 17681
Malibago 1 7923
Pagsulhugon 1 1835
Planza 1 1835
Poblacion 1 10 79230
Poblacion 4 1 7923
Rizal 3 23769
Rizal I 11 26273
San Ricardo 5 9175
Sangputan 3 5505
Taguite 1 1835
Uban 1 1835
Payao Materials 2 groups 46430
Total 2 128 768350
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Distribution of fishing gears 50 11925
Payao Materials Balud Balud Fisherfolks Association (19members) 19 23215
Duka AHON Duka Association (25members) 25 23215
Total 94 58355
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Distribution of fishing gears Dawahon Island 46 791016
Payao Materials Ponong Barangay Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Council/ Ponong Fisherfolks Association (17members) 17 46430
Total 63 837446
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials Gabas Gabas Fisherfolks Association (61members) 61 23215
Sta. Rosario Lapawon Cagnonoc Fishermen’s Association (33members) 33 23215
Total 2 (94) 94 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Distribution of fishing gears Cabalquinto 1 7923
Garganera 1 7923
Matagok 20 158460
Pang-pang 1 7923
Poblacion 1 7923
Villanueva 6 47538
Payao Materials Caruyucan Caruyucan Agri-Marine Venture Association (20members) 20 23215
Cristina Seahorse Fishermen Association (18members) 18 23215
Total 2 (38) 68 284120
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Distribution of fishing gears Cabu-an 10 26457.73
Guinadiongan 10 7950
Pinamopoan 5 3975
Poblacion 2 32 84664.75
Poblacion Zone 2 1 795
Potot 19 15105
Talisay 9 20110.41
Tolibao 33 53.966.60
Payao Materials Sitio Atipolo Poblacion Zone II Sitio Atipolo Fisherfolks Wing Oyster Association (20members) 20 23215
Culasian Culasian Wing Oyster Grower Association (42members) 42 23215
Total 181 205487.89
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Distribution of fishing gears Barugohay Norte 2 16521
Baybay 10 85980
East Visoria 3 25794
Guindapunan East 23 188304
Jugaban 6 47538
Naugisan 5 42315
San Mateo 2 15846
Tangnan 3 25794
Payao Materials West Visoria West Visoria Fisherfolk Association (23members) 23 23215
San Mateo San Mateo Small Fisherfolks Association (25members) 25 23215
Total 102 494522
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Distribution of fishing gears Buntay 6 47538
Rizal 43 145873
San Miguel 57 104595
Sungi 18 106552.33
Payao Materials 2 groups 46430
Total 124 450988.33
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Distribution of fishing gears Cantandog 2 1 7923
Himo-aw 10 79230
Matapay 5 39615
Naval 3 23769
Owak 5 39615
Pontod 15 118845
San Juan 1 7923
Tabunok 1 7923
Western 4 31692
Payao Materials Barangay Matapay Awong Association/Group1(40members) 40 23215
Group 2 bex 23215
Total 85 402965
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Distribution of fishing gears Anolon 1 8248
Bontoc 12 98976
Bulacan 5 41240
Doos Del Sur 3 24744
Poblacion 1 5 41240
Poblacion 2 4 32992
San Vicente 1 8248
Tabok 2 16496
Tagbibi 2 16496
Payao Materials Tagbibi Tagbibi Fisherfolks Association (11members) 11 23215
Tabok Tabok Fisherfolks Association (9members) 9 23215
Total 55 335110
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Distribution of fishing gears Apid 17 140216
Conalum 3 24744
Guadalupe 7 57736
Jubasan 1 8248
Poblacion 16 131968
Tahud 5 41240
Tinago 6 49488
Payao Materials Poblacion Fisherfolks Association (23members) 23 23215
Group 2 bex 23215
Total 78 500070
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Distribution of fishing gears Antipolo 1 2645.77
Atipolo 12 68689.87
Bantigue 24 163765.87
Bilwang 16 52886.83
Marvel 10 26457.73
Matlang 24 63498.56
Sto.Nino 4 10583.09
Tubod 3 18491.77
Payao Materials 2 groups 46430
Total 2 94 453449.49
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials Casulongan Casulongan Farmers and Fisherfolks Association (25members) 25 46430
Total 25 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Distribution of fishing gears Bachao 60 34177
Basud 6 33282
Bunga,Palid I 13 8248
Burabod 13 106460
Calaguise 9 74172.27
Carawisan, Calaguise 2 5291.55
Culasi 5 6055
Elizabeth 2 4480.77
Guiawanon, Toctoc 40 8248
Igod, Calaguise 2 4480.77
Kawayan 10 34871
Maanda 33 204435
Macupa 7 5565
Manlumay 2 5291.55
Maritana, Palarao 3 11918
Palarao 4 30274
Palaypay, Poblacion 9 22190.41
Palid I 17 58182.87
Pantalan, Toctoc 2 5291.55
Poblacion 3 20989.27
So. Baras, Kawayan 1 2645.77
So. Canlaya, Palarao 2 5291.55
So. Carawisan, Calaguise 3 19141.77
So. Parula, Bachao 8 14680
So. Pena, Ugbon 1 1835
So. Pili, Poblacion 17 134613.77
So. Sandayong, Culasi 13 34395.05
So,Tabigue, Consuegra 11 28292.73
Tinucdogan 11 73047.55
Toctoc 3 26591.5
Tulay, Calaguise 1 1835
Ulpotan, Poblacion 1 8248
Payao Materials 2 groups 46430
Total 2 groups 314 1080951.7
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Distribution of fishing gears Poblacion 1 7 59806
Poblacion 2 14 121784.5
Poblacion 3 5 54055.5
San Pedro 15 140570
Tuyo 13 113861.5
Payao Materials Poblacion District 2 MacArthur Fisherfolks and Producers Association (32 members) 32 23215
San Pedro San Pedro Fisherfolks Association (25 members) 25 23215
Total 111 536507.5
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Distribution of fishing gears 15 118845
Payao Materials San Pedro San Pedro Fisherfolks Association (26members) 26 23215
Punong Punong Fisherfolk Association 23215
Total 41 165275
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Distribution of fishing gears Liberty 47 216112.73
Poblacion Zone1 28 74378.73
San Roque 88 194942.63
Union 39 99113.73
Payao Materials San Roque Bantay Karagatan Fisherfolks Association (27 members) 27 23215
1 group 23215
Total 229 630977.82
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Distribution of fishing gears Benabaye 8 65984
Calunangan 1 8248
Can-unzo 3 24744
Casilda 3 24744
Libas 6 49488
Libjo 5 41240
Macario 1 8248
Puertobello 8 65984
Payao Materials Poblacion Merida Fisherfolks Association 23215
Can-unzo Can-Unzo Fisherfolks Association 23215
Total 2 35 335110
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials Ditrict 28 Ormoc Fishing Association (35members) 35 46430
Total 35 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials 2 groups 46430
Total 2 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Distribution of fishing gears Pasil 11 29103.51
Payao Materials Buenavista Buenavista Payao and Fisherfolks Association (27members) 27 23215
Group 2 bex 23215
Total 2 (*27) 38 75533.51
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Distribution of fishing gears Basud 8 64184
Biasong 113 208284.49
Daja Diot 35 280805
Matungao 38 69730
Paril 30 55050
Taglawigan 32 256736
Tinago 30 55050
Payao Materials Matungao Baras, Matungao Integrated Farmer’s and Fisherman’s Association (30members) 30 23215
Paril Paril Fisherman’s Association (31members) 31 23215
Total 347 1036269.49
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Distribution of fishing gears Bagacay 15 118845
Malpag 64 169329.49
Pinarigusan 60 47700
Sta. Cruz 15 118845
Payao Materials Mawodpawod Fisherfolks Association (22members) 22 23215
1 group 23215
Total 176 501149.49
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Distribution of fishing gears Campokpok 24 185429
Inangatan 59 182986.76
Poblacion 26 300193.96
Sta. Rosa 20 160460
Tabing 2 16046
Tugas 26 211973
Payao Materials Gimarco Sitio Binanig Farmers Association 23215
Group 2 bex 23215
Total 2 157 1103518.72
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials 2 groups 46430
Total 2 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials Bislig Bislig Fishermen Association (54members) 54 23215
Cabuynan FLET/ MFARMC Organization (20 members) 20 23215
Total 74 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Distribution of fishing gears Dona Brigida 6 47538
Imelda 1 7923
Opong 2 15846
Poblacion 2 15846
Tanghas 2 15846
Telegrafo 17 134691
Payao Materials Opong Barangay Opong Fisherfolk Association/Group1 (22members) 22 23215
Opong Barangay Opong Fisherfolk Association/Group2 (65members) 65 23215
Total 117 284120
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Distribution of fishing gears Abijao 18 33030
Jordan 40 105830.93
Payao Materials Hinabuyan HAFA 23215
Group 2 bex 23215
Total 2 58 185290.93
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials Bulak Bulak Fisherfolk & Farmers Association 23215
Kikilo Kikilo Fisherfolk Association 23215
Total 2 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials Group 1 bex 23215
Group 2 bex 23215
Total 2 () 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials Group 1 bex 23215
Group 2 bex 23215
Total 2 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials Group 1 bex 23215
Group 2 bex 23215
Total 2 () 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials Tinago Tinago United Fisherfolk Association 23215
Group 2 bex 23215
Total 2 () 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials Tahud Tahud Fisherfolk Association 23215
Candadam Candadam Fisherfolks Association 23215
Total 2 () 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Bangus Production with Post-Harvest Equipment with 1-unit Fiberglass Boat Matagok United Farmers and Fishermen’s Association of Matagok (34members) 34 537309
Training on Bangus Production in Cage Matagok 35 64000
Grouper Production with Post-Harvest Equipment with 1-unit Fiberglass Boat Cristina Cristina Fisherfolks Association (35members) 35 533193
Training in Grouper Production in Cage Cristina 35 64000
Payao Materials Group 1 bex 23215
Group 2 bex 23215
Total 139 1244932
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials Group 1 bex 23215
Group 2 bex 23215
Total 2 () 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials Group 1 bex 23215
Group 2 bex 23215
Total 2 () 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials 2 Group bex 46430
Total 2 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials Group 1 bex 23215
Group 2 bex 23215
Total 2 () 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials Bontoc Bontoc Fisherfolk Association 23215
Tagbibi Tagpugahan Fisherfolk Association 23215
Total 2 () 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials Group 1 bex 23215
Group 2 bex 23215
Total 2 () 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials Group 1 bex 23215
Group 2 bex 23215
Total 2 () 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials Casulongan Casulongan Farmers and Fisherfolks Association 46430
Total 1 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Shellfish Production Calaguise 15 654075
Tinucdugan 15
Training on Shellfish Production Calaguise 15 56000
Tinucdugan 15
Seaweeds Production with 12 units Paddle Boat Costal Barangays 30 790359
Training on Seaweeds Production Costal Barangays 30 60000
Payao Materials Culasi Fisherfolks Group 23215
Group 2 bex 23215
Total 2 () 60 1606864
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials San Pedro San Pedro Fisherfolks Association 23215
Poblacion Mac Arthur Fisherfolks Producer Association 23215
Total 2 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials Zaragosa Zaragosa Fisherfolk Association 23215
Sto.Nino Sto. Niño Fisherfolks Association 23215
Total 2 () 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials San Roque Bantay Karagatan Fisherfolks Association 23215
Group 2 bex 23215
Total 2 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials Group 1 bex 23215
Group 2 bex 23215
Total 2 () 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials Group 1 bex 23215
Group 2 bex 23215
Total 2 () 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials Group 1 bex 23215
Group 2 bex 23215
Total 2 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials Group 1 bex 23215
Group 2 bex 23215
Total 2 () 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Bangus Production with Post-Harvest Equipment with 1-unit Fiberglass Boat Biasong Biasong OFPMC Members Association (41members) 41 537309
Baras Baras Gowanon, Integrated Farmers and Fishermen Association (28members) 28
Training on Bangus Production in Cage Poblacion 35 64000
Grouper Production with Post-Harvest Equipment with 1-unit Fiberglass Boat Matungao Matungao Farmers and Fishermen Association (57members) 57 533193
Training in Grouper Production in Cage Poblacion 35 64000
Payao Materials Baras Baras Gowanon, Integrated Farmers and Fishermen Association (28members) 28 23215
Matungao Matungao Farmers and Fishermen Association (57members) 57 23215
Total 3 (126) 281 1244932
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Wing Oyster Production Mawodpawod 40 892500
Training on Wing Oyster Productionn Mawodpawod 40 56000
Seaweeds Production with 12 units Paddle Boat Mawodpawod 35 899178.7
Training on Seaweeds Production Mawodpawod 35 60000
Payao Materials Group 1 bex 23215
Group 2 bex 23215
Total 2 () 75 1954109
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Bangus Production with Post-Harvest Equipment with 1-unit Fiberglass Boat Kawayan Kawayan Fisherfolks Association (30members) 30 537309
Training on Bangus Production in Cage Kawayan 35 64000
Grouper Production with Post-Harvest Equipment with 1-unit Fiberglass Boat Liog-liog Liog-liog Fisherfolks Association (30members) 30 533193
Training in Grouper Production in Cage Liog-liog 35 64000
Shellfish Production Sta. Rosa 30 654075
Training on Mussel and Oyster Production Sta. Rosa 30 56000
Payao Materials 1 Group bex 46430
Total 3 (60) 190 1955007
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials Group 1 bex 23215
Group 2 bex 23215
Total 2 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials Group 1 bex 23215
Group 2 bex 23215
Total 2 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials Group 1 bex 23215
Group 2 bex 23215
Total 2 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Payao Materials Jordan Jordan Fisherfolks Association (46members) 46 23215
Hinabuyan Hinabuyan Fisherfolks Association (15members) 15 23215
Total 61 46430
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Total 1019821
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Cambonggan 2 143619.2
Total 537764.5
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
INTENSIVE TILAPIA CULTURE Villa Corazon 2 230230.2
Lusad 5 394145.3
Tambis 1 92685.08
Hugpa West 3 184220.2
Total 901280.7
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Total 416900.3
Project Title Barangay Farmers Association Total number of beneficiaries Amount (Php)
Total 214525.2

SAAD P1 EV brings livelihood support to FAs of Southern Leyte

SOUTHERN LEYTE, September 5, 2023 - Three (3) farmers’ associations (FAs) in Southern Leyte received intervention worth Php 1,861,000.00 under FY 2022 as part of the Food Production and Livelihood…

Leyte aquapreneurs revive fish gourmet venture through SAAD

LEYTE, September 4, 2023 - Bangus processing aquapreneurs from Leyte pick up group’s suspended bottled gourmet enterprise after receiving production assistance from the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources -…

Padayon Gihapon: Southern Leyte farmers road to abundant harvest

Libagon is a 5th-class coastal municipality in Southern Leyte with a population of 15,244 individuals that represents 3.55% of the provincial population according to 2020 data of Philippine Statistics Authority…

Southern Leyte vegetable farmers’ resiliency amid typhoons proves fruitful

Background Esperanza Bontoc Farmers Irrigators Association (EBFIA) is one of the active rural-based associations in the municipality of Bontoc, Southern Leyte. The farmers association (FA) with 57 rice-farmers members was…

Leyte swine raisers turned poultry farmers earn through SAAD Egg Production project

LEYTE, September 28, 2022 - To recuperate from the effects of African Swine Fever (ASF), swine raisers turned to poultry production through the help of the Department of Agriculture- Special…

SAAD National Director visits 6 FAs in Eastern Visayas

LEYTE, June 24, 2022 – The Department of Agriculture- Special Area for Agricultural Development (DA- SAAD) National Director Myer G. Mula visits Leyte and Southern Leyte to monitor the program’s…

Matam-is coconut farmers’ sweet success through Egg Production

LEYTE, May 27, 2022 – A farmers association (FA) in Baybay, Leyte now supplies a leading pastries bakeshop in the locality, thanks to the Egg Layer Production Project of the…

SAAD Region 8 kicks-off Leadership Training for 15 FAs

SOUTHERN LEYTE, March 24, 2022 - The Department of Agriculture- Special Area for Agricultural Development (DA- SAAD) Region 8 jumpstarts 2022 programs by facilitating Leadership Training for fifteen (15) Farmers…

Southern Leyte FA remains resilient amid adversity

SOUTHERN LEYTE, February 17, 2022 - Two months after the catastrophic damage to infrastructure and agriculture brought by Typhoon Odette, a farmer association (FA) in Liloan, Southern Leyte stays resilient…

Leyte FA receives Php 1.439M worth of livelihood project

LEYTE, February 9, 2022 – A farmer association in Mayorga, Leyte received Php 1.439 million worth of Ready-to-Lay (RTL) chickens, layer cages, and layer feeds from the Department of Agriculture…

SAAD Program, Achieving Results

SOUTHERN LEYTE, January 29, 2022 - The Department of Agriculture - Special Area for Agricultural Development (DA-SAAD) Program paved a way in livelihood development of farmers and fisherfolk through various…

DA-SAAD Region 8 implementers trained on pests, diseases management

QUEZON CITY, October 18, 2021- Thirty-seven (37) Special Area for Agricultural Development Program implementers were trained on pests and diseases management by experts from the Department of Agriculture (DA) Region…

In farming, age is just a number: Story of Pancrasio E. Cascas

Background Who says old age is weak and dull? Mr. Pancrasio E. Cascas, 72, still has exceptional farming skills and strength. At an early age, Tatay Lolong started helping his…

SAAD Region 8 delivers layer chicken production inputs to 7 FAs

TACLOBAN CITY, August 23, 2021 – The Department of Agriculture (DA) - Special Area for Agricultural Development Program (SAAD) in Region 8 delivered Php 8 million worth of Layer Chicken…

Southern Leyte fisher enjoys bountiful milkfish harvest from SAAD

SOUTHERN LEYTE, August 9, 2021 - Reaping the product of her hard work and dedication in Milkfish (bangus) Culture in Cage Farming, Special Area for Agricultural Development (SAAD) beneficiary Jeaniver…

SAAD Leyte farmers venture in banana production

LEYTE, April 29, 2021 – The Department of Agriculture (DA) Special Area for Agricultural Development (SAAD) Program turned over 1,200 banana suckers of Lakatan variety worth Php 57,600 under FY…

SAAD farmers earn Php 51K at Kadiwa Fair in Region 8

December 10, 2020– Special Area for Agricultural Development (SAAD) Program beneficiaries from 11 farmers’ associations (FA) earned Php 51,732 during the “Kadiwa ni Ani at Kita, Locally Sourced: A Gardening…

Liloan hopes to become supplier of weanlings in Southern Leyte

SOUTHERN LEYTE, November 4, 2020- Four farmers’ associations (FA) in the Municipality of Liloan hope to be the main source of weanlings in Southern Leyte as they expect to produce…

Determined To Be An Agripreneur

During one of the regular monitoring activities of the Department of Agriculture - Special Area for Agricultural Development (DA-SAAD), a farmer-beneficiary caught the attention of the assigned Area Coordinator in…

Bilanghoy: “Poor man’s crop” no more

Bilanghoy (Waray term for cassava) was once considered a “lowly” crop and cultivated mainly by smallholder farmers for food consumption. It is an alternative staple food for Filipinos, especially in rural areas,…

NEDA says SAAD contributes to Region 8’s decrease in poverty

TACLOBAN CITY, 31 January 2020 – In her report, National Economic Development Agency (NEDA) VIII Officer-in-Charge Regional Director Meylene C. Rosales said that the Special Area for Agricultural Development (SAAD)…

SAAD awards national winners of the Saga 2019

BAGUIO CITY, January 7, 2020 — The Department of Agriculture - Special Area for Agricultural Development (DA-SAAD) Program awarded the national winners of its Saga event for 2019 during the…

DA Secretary Dar at SAAD Saga in Region 8: rural farmers, heroes of the countryside

PALO, LEYTE – “Rural farmers are the heroes of the countryside.” The Department of Agriculture (DA) Secretary William D. Dar emphasized the big role of the rural farmers as heroes…

SAAD’s ASFA showcases their lechon baboy

The Department of Agriculture - Special Area for Agricultural Development (SAAD) Program in Southern Leyte participates in the Agri-Fair and Garden Show 2019 held at Maasin City, Southern Leyte. This…

SAAD’s CLAW had grown fast

There is a group of happy women who bonded together to form an association that goes by the name, CLAW, which stands for Cansoso Livelihood Association of Workers.  Based from…

Groundbreaking ceremony for establishment of hogstel facilities held

It was an event marking a milestone in the history of the Department of Agriculture - Special Area for Agricultural Development (DA-SAAD) Program implementation nationwide, for Regional Program Management Support…

Importance of technology in the agriculture industry

LEYTE, PHILIPPINES—The agricultural industry is constantly under pressure to increase output as global populations continue to grow. A study suggests that the Philippines’ agricultural industry should focus its efforts on…

Marcelino C. Lorona: Profile of a Cassava Farmer

SOUTHERN LEYTE—It was just pure coincidence when Marcelino C. Lorona, a 64 year–old farmer residing at Brgy. Fatima, Liloan, Southern Leyte, found out about the Special Area for Agricultural Development…

Broadening the plate of DA interventions

EASTERN VISAYAS—The Philippine population is expected to increase significantly over the next three decades, but our capacity for food production will struggle to keep pace. Because humanity has to feed…

SAAD enriches Southern Leyte farmers’ knowledge in corn and cassava production

SOUTHERN LEYTE – Six trainings on corn and cassava production have recently concluded in the province of Southern Leyte, enriching the minds of the farmer-beneficiaries from five municipalities – Bontoc,…

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