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75 Negros farmers trained to be agripreneurs

NEGROS OCCIDENTAL, November 9, 2021 – Seventy-five (75) beneficiaries of the Department of Agriculture - Special Area for Agricultural Development (DA-SAAD) Program in Negros Occidental were trained on Enterprise Development to become agripreneurs. Farmers from Toboso, Calatrava, and Moises Padilla…

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DA-SAAD Kalinga expands area for swine repopulation program

KALINGA, November 3, 2021 – The Department of Agriculture - Special Area for Agricultural Development (DA-SAAD) Program in Kalinga identified eight additional barangays for the 2021 swine repopulation program aimed at stabilizing hog population and supply in the province. The…

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85 Negros Oriental farmers venture into goat meat processing

NEGROS ORIENTAL, November 3, 2021 – Eighty-five (85) farmers from Negros Oriental will venture into goat meat or chevon processing after attending three training activities from the Department of Agriculture – Special Area for Agricultural Development (DA-SAAD) Program. The training,…

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Agta IP farmers earn from SAAD’s mallard duck egg production

SORSOGON, November 3, 2021 – Members of the Ogod Indigenous People Agta Agricultural Production Association earned from selling egg produce by the mallard ducks livelihood production provided by the Department of Agriculture – Special Area for Agricultural Development (DA-SAAD) Program…

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SAAD Director visits beneficiaries in Negros Oriental

QUEZON CITY, October 27, 2021- Director Myer G. Mula of the Department of Agriculture Special Area for Agricultural Development (DA-SAAD) Program visited 8 beneficiaries (5 individuals and 3 groups) in Negros Oriental to monitor the progress of its existing livelihood…

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