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DA-SAAD CAR receive training on mobile photography, videography to amplify program impact and initiatives

BAGUIO CITY, February 13, 2024 – The Department of Agriculture – Special Area for Agricultural Development (DA-SAAD) Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) conducted a training on mobile photography and videography to equip its  development workers with skills for capturing and communicating the program’s initiatives and impact to farmers through compelling visuals.

There were 32 SAAD personnel composed of sixteen (16) community development officers, two (2) data controllers, one (1) information officer, four (4) administrative officers, four (4) associate project officers; and five (5) personnel from the Field Operations Division who attended the training on December 14, 2023. 

Mr. Niel Clark Ongchanco, Photographer II from the Baguio Public Information Office, served as the resource person. He highlighted the benefits of mobile photography and videography and emphasized how development workers can capture real-time visuals, documenting the journey of farmers from seed to harvest. These visuals aim to serve as powerful tools for advocacy, knowledge sharing, and raising awareness about the success stories of SAAD beneficiaries. 

In his lecture, Ongchanco focused on key areas of mobile photography like composition, lighting techniques, smartphone camera settings, and photo editing using the mobile application Snapseed. Participants learned fundamental principles of photography like the rule of thirds, explored various lighting conditions, and mastered basic adjustments like cropping, and color-correction.

Participants were divided into groups and were tasked with practical exercises in taking solo shots, group shots and groupies, after which these photos were edited and presented to a group critique which opened exchange of ideas among participants. 

After the mobile photography workshop, Ongchanco proceeded to the discussion on mobile videography, recommending the mobile video editor app “Capcut”. He  outlined  a 10-step process for effective smartphone video storytelling, focusing on planning shots and setting up the scene to recording high-quality audio and documentation basics, which include file management and archiving footage for future use.  

The workshop culminated in a practical exercise where groups created short videos, which were then showcased and critiqued by Ongchanco providing feedback and editing recommendations, empowering participants to further refine their video skills.

By the end of both sessions, participants gained a stronger foundation in mobile photography and videography – equipped to tell stories, document events, and capture captivating visuals with their smartphones.

DA SAAD Assistant Operations Officer, Mr. Ronan Soriano recognized the importance of the documentation of events, activities as well as testimonies of farmer beneficiaries, which are all crucial for future decision-making processes that will be needed in implementation of SAAD projects. 

Soriano added the documentation process is a task for everyone on the field, needed for achieving and building a database – a compilation of stories from the field. 

The training sessions received positive feedback from participants, who expressed their enthusiasm to apply their newly acquired skills in their day-to-day work. 

“We have learned a lot about photo and video editing, we use the app with our own photos and videos to document our SAAD activities,” added SAAD Community Development Officer Medori Lusadan.

With enhanced visual storytelling abilities, development workers are now equipped to create impactful narratives that shed light on the transformative role of agriculture in driving sustainable rural development. ###

Writer: Ma. Elena Catajan, DA-SAAD CAR Information Officer


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