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Antique farmers receive caracows from SAAD

ANTIQUE, September 13, 2022 – To increase efficiency on food production in less-developed areas, the Department of Agriculture Region 6 (DA-6), through the Special Area for Agricultural Development (SAAD) Program, granted Php 478,800 worth of large ruminants to four farmers associations (FAs) in Valderrama and San Remigio, Antique.

The draft animals, valuable for breeding and various farming activities, were funded under SAAD’s 2021 savings. Aged more than two years old and not less than five, the caracows are deemed useful especially in mountainous areas with steep slopes. While the difficult terrain limits the capacity of mechanized tractors, the draft animals can be used in tilling their lands.

Valderrama, Antique

In Valderrama, the Takas Imbangga-an Tangke Irrigators Association (TITIA), with 38 members, were granted one (1) caracow while the Borocboroc Manlacbo Bunsod Lublub Farmers Association (BMBLFA), which has 99 members, and Manlacbo Farmers Association (MAFA) with 41 members, received two (2) caracows each.

Prior to said distribution, MAFA, BMBLFA, and TITIA also received plows and harrows on May 18 to help them maximize production, cut down production costs, and achieve easier corn and peanut land preparation and cultivation.

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San Remigio, Antique

Meanwhile, the Trinidad Bugo San Rafael Bagumbayan Farmers Associations (TRIBUSANBAGFA) with 120 members in San Remigio, received seven (7) caracow stocks that will likewise be used for land preparation and cultivation, transportation, and hauling of their various produce.

“Duro guid sa amon mga miyembro ang gapasalamat tungod bahol guid ang gintugro ni SAAD nga bulig sa amon asosasyon na pito ka karbaw. Gapasalamat man kami sa amon coordinator sa pag prioritize sa amon asosasyon,” said Ms. Ma. Cecilia Herbilla, TRIBUSANBAGFA Vice President.

[Many of our members were thankful because of the great help granted to our association, the seven head of caracows. We are also grateful to our area coordinator for making us a priority.]

As part of each FA’s policy, first-in-line beneficiaries will be chosen as livestock recipients. The members will be selected based on the availability of their area and shall raise the draft animal until it produces offspring. The grant will eventually be dispersed to next-in-line beneficiaries as part of their roll-over scheme.

The said distribution is part of the supplemental plan from 2021 savings in addition to this year’s provision of 70 caracows dispersed to 20 FAs (5 FAs in San Remigio on June 9, 2022 and 15 FAs in Valderrama on June 17, 2022) to support their existing crops such as peanut, corn, ginger, midland organic vegetable, and rice cultivated through integrated farming.

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Writer: Cedie Bataga, DA-SAAD 6 Information Officer

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