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Native goats, hybrid corn seeds from DA-SAAD received by 13 Cotabato FAs

COTABATO, April 22, 2022 – Thirteen Farmers’ Association in Cotabato received native goats and hybrid corn seeds from the Department of Agriculture Special Area for Agricultural Development (DA-SAAD) Program. Distributed on April 12, the projects are under the Integrated Corn Production with Vegetable and Postharvest Equipment, and Native Goat Production of FY 2022.

Ten FAs (110 members) from the municipalities of Aleosan, Pigcawayan, Pikit, and Mlang, who are also mixed-crop farmers, each received 11 native goats (10 does, 1 buck) to be raised for meat and milk production.

Prior to the small ruminants’ distribution, the 110 native goats were inspected and dewormed to ensure that they are Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis (CAE) free.

Three FAs (60 members) from Pikit, Tulunan, and Carmen each received 40 bags of hybrid corn seeds which will cover 40 hectares (ha) consolidated area – each farmer with at least 0.5 to 1ha.Table 1. Native goats and hybrid corn seeds provided to 13 Cotabato FAs

Farmers’ Association Location Intervention received Project Title Project Cost
Damalasak Fisherfolks and FA
(20 members)
Damalasak, Pikit 40 bags of hybrid corn seeds Integrated Corn Production with vegetable production and Post-harvest equipment production 3,999.99
Sitio New Alimodian Peace and Development FA
(20 members)
Banayal, Tulunan 40 bags of hybrid corn seeds Integrated Corn Production with vegetable production and Post-harvest equipment production 3,999.99
Sitio Sambag FA
(20 members)
Ranzo, Carmen 40 bags of hybrid corn seeds Integrated Corn Production with vegetable production and Post-harvest equipment production 3,999.99
Capayuran Farmers Credit Cooperative
(11 members)
Capayuran, Pigcawayan 11 native goats Native Goat Production 65,499.50
Brgy. Anick FA
(11 members)
Anick, Pigcawayan 11 native goats Native Goat Production 65,499.50
Salunayan FA
(11 members)
Salunayan, Midsayap 11 native goats Native Goat Production 65,499.50
Anonang FA
(11 members)
Anonang, Midsayap 11 native goats Native Goat Production 65,499.50
Pagangan 1 FA
(11 members)
Pagangan, Aleosan 11 native goats Native Goat Production 65,499.50
Sta. Cruz FA
(11 members)
Sta.Cruz, Aleosan 11 native goats Native Goat Production 65,499.50
Rural Improvement Club of Punol
(11 members)
Punol, Pikit 11 native goats Native Goat Production 65,499.50
Katilacan Farmers and Fisherfolk Association
(11 members)
Katilacan, Pikit 11 native goats Native Goat Production 65,499.50
New Barbaza FA
(11 members)
New Barbaza, Mlang 11 native goats Native Goat Production 65,499.50
New Lawaan FA
(11 members)
New Lawaan, Mlang 11 native goats Native Goat Production 65,499.50
Total 535,995.97

Ms. Cecelia M. Judilla, member of Sitio Sambag FA, who received hybrid corn seeds shared her gratitude for SAAD.

“Salamat sa SAAD, sa bulig nga inyo gin-dulong sa amun nga area. Dako gid ini nga bulig sa amun nga asosasyon. May ara na kami itanum nga corn seeds. Kay dili namun makaya abi magbakal sa mga amu ni, maam, kay pobre lang kami. Sang una, mabudlayan gid kami kahuna-huna anuhun namun pagbakal sang matanum namun, ti, subong ara na. May ara nagid kami matanum. Madamo gid nga salamat sa inyu nga bulig.”

(Thank you SAAD for providing corn seeds for us. Before, we don’t have any idea how could we plant on our farm because we have no money to use in buying corn seeds. But now, here, we have our seeds to plant in our areas. Thank you so much.)

Pagangan FA president Mr. Pepito S. Nacario gladly averred, “Daghang salamat sa DA-SAAD sa paghatud sang tabang para sa amua nga mga mangunguma. Dako kaayu ni nga tabang sa amuang panguma. Kay kami nga mga pobre, maglisud me og dili me kapalit ug bisan ikog lang sa kanding, unya karon, ania na. Naa nami kanding. Daghan amoang gamit aning kanding sa umahan. Salamat kaayu, Ma’am.”

(We are grateful to the DA-SAAD for providing assistance for us farmers. Because we’re very poor and we cannot afford to buy even a single tail of a goat. But now, here, we have been blessed with these interventions. This goat will bring us a huge help in our farm ventures. Goats on farms are very useful in many ways.)

The beneficiaries who received the Php 535,995.97 worth of corn, vegetable, postharvest, and native goat projects were selected by the local government and provincial agricultural arm of the DA. These inputs serve as a free capital for livelihood startups and come with training on animals and crops management for the recipients to be provided this year.

The distribution was facilitated by SAAD Deputy Focal Person Elma Delante with Cotabato provincial staff, in coordination with the 7 local government units. ###


Aisa Tina, SAAD 12 Information Officer
Jennifer Valcobero, SAAD NPMO Public Relation and Comms Officer

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