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Eastern Samar FA, rising from the margins

EASTERN SAMAR, February 18, 2022 – A farmer association in Eastern Samar sets an example in the region through resiliency and continued interventions from the Department of Agriculture-Special Area for Agricultural Development (DA-SAAD) to boost agricultural development.

Organized and registered with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Borongan City in 2019, the 20-member Aguinaldo Livestock Production Raisers Association (ALPRA) became a beneficiary of the SAAD FY 2020 Swine Production Project.

In March 2020, the association constructed an assembly place, permanent housing for swine, and a warehouse financed by monetary and material contributions from members. Later on, the FA also established an expansion site for the swine fattening, and storage of ready-to-sell piglets and for ginger and vegetable production projects. The land where the association’s properties are situated is covered by a usufruct agreement.

By November 2020, SAAD delivered interventions for the Swine Production project (Table 1). The boar was rented by the association using the members’ monthly contributions and livestock was insured with the Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation (PCIC) for livestock mortality.

Table 1. Interventions received by FAs from SAAD in 2020

In April 2021, members of the association participated in a Community Needs Assessment and undertook training on Values Rebuilding and Leadership Transformation to improve the management of interventions as they strictly adhere to the policy for granting of livelihood projects laid out by the SAAD Program.

Continued Support

Because of the association’s good track record, the program granted an additional FY 2021 Ginger Production Project. Ginger rhizomes were then delivered and planted to the communal site in May 2021 (Table 2).  To hone the FA members‘ skills, a specialized Training on Ginger Production was held in July 2021.

Table 2. Interventions received by FAs from SAAD in 2021

ALPRA already sold 47 piglets worth Php 3,500 each from the first cycle production of their 7 sows, while the 3 remaining sows were still pregnant during the initial monitoring visit (Table 3). The latter subsequently farrowed 18 healthy piglets in November 2021 for the second cycle production (Table 4). Recently, the association displayed and sold pork meat from the fatteners they produced to the locals of Gen. MacArthur.

Table 3. ALPRA’s First Cycle Swine Production

Table 4. ALPRA’s Second Cycle Swine Production

The association credits its success to the perseverance of its members, as well as the wholehearted support of the local government unit (LGU) and other stakeholders.

From its humble beginnings, ALPRA has steadily grown to its present status through sheer hard work and determination, always grateful to the SAAD Program for its consistent coaching, mentoring, and support.

Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and African Swine Fever (ASF), along with climate variabilities, ALPRA has stood out as a resilient group worthy of emulation. ###


Writer: Evan Jess M. Villanueva, Area Coordinator II, PPMSO–Eastern Samar

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