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SAAD’s ASFA showcases their lechon baboy

The Department of Agriculture - Special Area for Agricultural Development (SAAD) Program in Southern Leyte participates in the Agri-Fair and Garden Show 2019 held at Maasin City, Southern Leyte. This is in celebration of the 59th Founding Anniversary of the…

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SAAD’s CLAW had grown fast

There is a group of happy women who bonded together to form an association that goes by the name, CLAW, which stands for Cansoso Livelihood Association of Workers.  Based from the data of Barangay Cansoso, Matag-ob, Leyte, the group (consisting…

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6 to 158 and counting…

The word “exponential” may well describe the remarkable growth of a farmer’s poultry production project in sleepy Sitio Cawilan, Brgy. Garden, Arteche, Eastern Samar, which has caused program implementers, technologists, and other stakeholders to be awed by noticing its unusual…

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Through the SAAD lens, clearly

The theme of this article is derived from the passage in the Holy Bible that says:  For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even…

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