If one plans to start or has started raising chickens for egg production, one needs to understand flock production capabilities. In this article, we will share how our SAAD farmer-beneficiaries, who received the Layer Chicken Egg Production Project, manage and sustain their egg machines.
Poultry and egg production are the top interventions that SAAD has given to the farmer associations in Region 9 since 2017. Each association received egg machines, which comprised of 48 heads of fully vaccinated 22-week old ready-to-lay pullets complete with cage, drinkers, and feeding trough per module.
Prior to embarking in the business, all beneficiaries have undergone training on Layer Chicken Production, Financial Management, Production Recording, and Marketing to help them succeed with the management and sustainability of the project.
The project addresses nutrition problems in the identified communities of the farmers’ associations and increases the income not only of the associations involved but also the members’ families. ###
*Source: DA – SAAD RFO 9, Egg-laying Machine Modules.
Writer: Jemiema Arro, SAAD Public Relations & Communications Officer
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