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SAAD provides technical training to 120 Southern Leyte farmers

SOUTHERN LEYTE – The Department of Agriculture – Special Area for Agricultural Development (DA-SAAD) Program Phase 2 conducted a technical training program for 120 farmers from six farmer associations (at 20 farmers each) in Southern Leyte. The aim of the training was to enhance the farmers’ knowledge and skills in managing and marketing egg layer production.

From December 12-14, 2023, the training session was held covering various topics such as egg layer production, marketing, and enterprise. The training was led by resource speakers from the SAAD Provincial Project Management Support Office, Southern Leyte Area Coordinators, and the Provincial Veterinarian, Dr. Francisco Cabarrubias. 

The first two days of the training commenced with members of Pundok Maamumahon (PUMA) in San Ricardo, followed by members of MARECARES Hinapo in Tomas Oppus receiving training on marketing and enterprise. The Cabulisan Farmers Association in Hinundayan, also received training on its second day.

The final day of the event concluded with simultaneous training on marketing and enterprise for the Calintaan Farmers’ Association in Anahawan, the San Roque Farmers and Fisherfolk Association in Pintuyan, and the Talisay Women’s Association in Libagon. 

The collaboration between the SAAD Program and the local government units played a crucial role in providing this training. By equipping the farmers with the necessary knowledge and skills, the program aims to ensure the long-term success of their projects and contribute to poverty alleviation, food security, and overall agricultural development in the targeted areas.

This training serves as a precursor to the upcoming livelihood grant that the farmer groups can expect to receive in the following year. The DA-SAAD will continue to support and guide these beneficiaries as they establish themselves as community-based enterprises. ###

Writer: Justine May A. Delloro, DA-SAAD Eastern Visayas Information Officer 


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