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184 farmers in Ilocos Region underwent financial, enterprise management training

LA UNION, December 29, 2023 The Department of Agriculture – Special Area for Agricultural Development (DA-SAAD) Program Phase 2 held a series of Financial and Enterprise Management Training among the 184 members of four farmers’ associations (FAs) in Pangasinan, La Union, Ilocos Sur, and Ilocos Norte. These activities aim to boost financial literacy of farmers that would help them utilize and control their resources wisely as well as equip them with skills on how to develop and manage community-based enterprises (CBEs) in the long run. 

The trainings carried out from November 28 to December 12, 2023 were attended by the United San Antonio Sto. Tomas Farmers’ Association, Inc. (50 members),  Sinabugan Farmers’ Association (40 members), Pangotan Farmers Development Association (49 members), and Riverside Greeners Association, Inc. (45 members). 

During the lectures, Assistant Professor Dr. Joana Quinquito of the Institute of Agribusiness Management (IABM) of the Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University (DMMMSU), discussed the importance of business planning, stressing that “farmers are not mere farmers, but agripreneurs.”

“Saankayo a mere farmers, but agripreneurs ta saan laeng nga agtaraken ken agmula ti aramidenyo, no di ket addakayon iti marketing aspect, engaged in the world of business,” Quinquito said.

(You are not just mere farmers but agripreneurs because you are not simply engaged in animal and plant production but you are already in the world of business.)

Highlighting the impact of an impressive business plan, Quinquito reminded the participants to “not just be you as you are, but think of something better for the next generation. What you must do should not end in farming.”

Dr. Quinquito’s lectures involve the drafting of a one-page business plan, which the associations can present to prospective investors or to government associations should they plan to request additional interventions. 

Meanwhile, in her discussion on basic accounting and financial management, Associate Professor Dr. Arnelie Laquidan, the director of DMMMSU’s IABM, emphasized the importance of bookkeeping to measure the efficiency and progress of each association in managing their enterprises.

“It is imperative to keep track of your progress, not only in terms of financial aspects, but your association’s overall operation; after all, the goal is not just to produce for personal consumption but for profit,” Laquidan said.

Alongside Dr. Laquidan and Dr. Quinquito, instructors from DMMMSU, Ms. Geralyn Sung-ag and Ms. Leny Grace Garcia, also discussed topics on record keeping and bookkeeping in La Union, Pangasinan, and Ilocos Sur. While in Ilocos Norte, speakers from the Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College (ISPSC), particularly Dr. Reagan Funtanilla, Ms. Venus Ragon, and Ms. Ivy Cacabelos, were tapped by the SAAD Ilocos region to conduct lectures in Ilocos Norte.

Mr. Watanabe Lacanaria, 83 years old and one of the oldest participants, said he enjoyed attending lectures because it helps him jog his memory, unlearn, and learn things anew.

“Interesadoak latta nga umatendar [iti training] uray lakayakon ta isu ngarud ti nakaugalian. Masapul nga agadal latta uray no nataenganen. No idi, agmulakami laeng iti ube a para pangkaan, ngem babaen kadagitoy naawatmi manipud SAAD ken daytoy training, namnamaek a makailakoakto met,” he said.

(I never lose interest in attending [trainings] even if I am already old because it is what we are accustomed to. We need to continue learning. We used to plant purple yam for sustenance, but with the interventions from SAAD and these lectures, I look forward to selling some of our produce in the future.)

Lacanaria, despite his advanced age, still plows the field and travels to and from the hilly part of their sitio every morning and afternoon just to feed their cattle. As a member of the Pangotan Farmers’ Development Association, Lacanaria is among the members who received ube cut setts, which he planted in his backyard.

Ms. Elvie D. Balas from Barangay Kalaw in Dumalneg, Ilocos Norte also said they are overwhelmed by SAAD’s production and livelihood interventions provided to the Riverside Greeners Association. She also said that after many years, this feels like the first time that they have felt again the support from the government.

“Kinapudnona, kasla saanmi a maguantaan ti kinaadu dagiti naawatmi sipud idi nangrugi ti SAAD. Makitami a talaga no kasano dakami a suportaran ti gobierno ta amin a kiddawmi ket maited. Itami la manen a mapadasan ti dakkel a suporta manipud iti gobierno,” Balas expressed.

(Honestly, we felt overwhelmed and can’t even believe that we are receiving these many interventions from SAAD. We can see and feel how the government supports us because they always provide what we request. After a long time, this is the first time that we felt how the government cares for us.”

After completing their training, the group beneficiaries who were given livelihood projects involving crops and livestock in Ilocos Region are now prepared to venture into entrepreneurship. They are eager to make the most of market opportunities and work towards establishing sustainable agri-enterprises. ###

Writer: Pearl Lovedyn A. Dacuag, DA-SAAD Ilocos Region Information Officer

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