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SAAD recognized by CLSU as R&D partner

QUEZON CITY, October 13, 2022 – The Department of Agriculture – Special Area for Agricultural Development (DA-SAAD) Program was recognized by the Central Luzon State University (CLSU) as partner in research and development for the ongoing assessment on social preparation and enterprise development of the program. 

The SAAD believes that communities in rural areas, despite experiencing multiple layers of poverty, have the innate ability to lead the development of their communities and uplift the quality of their lives, had they been offered the capacity to do so. 

SAAD and CLSU embarked on a study to measure the effectiveness of the program’s social preparation as a fundamental phase to develop community-based enterprises among its beneficiaries. Small and medium scale enterprises bring community members together, and foster ownership and leadership, aside from providing an income stream, as well as labor opportunities to the community members.

According to SAAD, social preparation is the initial step in community organization and is referred to as the series of activities that is designed to prepare target beneficiaries to adjust with the changes that will occur as a result of governmental intervention in their community and most especially in their livelihood (2020). 

As a fundamental factor in the encouragement, success, and sustainability of small scale enterprises, SAAD puts prime in its social preparation component with the greatest goal to engage the beneficiaries into enterprising, by preparing them in accepting the project, strengthening their production, and organizing them into recognized cooperatives and associations.

The study then aims to assess the implementation of SAAD’s social preparation activities and its effects in established CBEs, analysis of the physical and financial progress of the enterprises, and from these, identify challenges and create policy recommendations.

During the inaugural Research and Innovation Development (RIDE) Festival held at CLSU from October 11 to 14, SAAD Program was recognized as one of the partners for research and development during the festival. 

SAAD Director Ulysses J. Lustria, Jr. was present during the opening ceremony to receive the plaque of recognition.

He shared his thoughts on the importance of the activity as a recognition of the efforts of the Program to reach marginalized communities in the country: “As we go along, especially in the second phase of implementation, we have a wider reach. The assessment is expected to be utilized to locate where the program stands in terms of social preparation impacts on our beneficiaries. SAAD puts a special emphasis on social preparation activities as this ensures on our part, that the beneficiaries are given enough knowledge and capacity to run the projects. In the end, our goal is to establish CBEs, and strengthen them so that endorsement to bigger engagements may be facilitated. This builds confidence in both parties, the industry, the communities, and in the governance that we have.”.

CLSU and SAAD’s partnership commenced in 2021 as preparation for the conclusion of the program. Program implementers and beneficiaries participated via surveys, focus group discussions, and key informant interviews to assess the program’s approach to specific components. SAAD also hopes that the study will help other programs and projects aligned or similar to the program activities for guidance and further development.

By the end of 2022, CLSU will complete the conduct of the assessment and will publish the assessment report soon after. ###



Jessamae Gabon, DA-SAAD NPMO Information Officer

Bart Manoguid, DA-SAAD NPMO Information Officer


Cited Source:

Mula, M. G., Lustria, Jr., U. J., Sevilla, I. K. M. (2020). SAAD Social Preparation Guidebook. Department of Agriculture.

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