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20 Catanduanes poultry raisers earn Php 46k from DA-SAAD’s duck project

CATANDUANES, February 21, 2022 – Composed of 20 members, San Vicente Gigmoto Duck Association (SVGDA) reported a gross income of Php 46,450 from selling fresh table eggs to the community. This is a substantial outcome from the FY 2021 Duck Production Project of the Department of Agriculture’s Special Area for Agricultural Development (SAAD) Program.

Interventions provided to the group in August 17, 2021 include 400 ducks, 180 bags of layer feeds, 120 bags of grower feeds, 80 pieces (pcs) of linear feeder, 80 pcs of drinker/waterer, 40 laminated sacks, and 8 rolls of plastic screen, amounting Php 672,000.

Members put and managed the ducks in a communal area measuring 300 square meters (sqm) in San Vicente, Gigmoto.

Duck production income

Through proper poultry management, the group started to gather eggs after two months. An average of 158 eggs was collected per day.

The eggs were then sold by tray in small (Php 130), medium (Php 150), and large (Php 200) sizes. Each tray contains 30 pieces.

In 2021, the group had an initial income of Php 21,600. As of February 19, 2022, the revenue from selling fresh eggs reached Php 46,450 (Table 1).Table 1. SVGDA’s income from selling duck eggs (as of February 2022)

Date Quantity Sold egg trays Price/tray
Gross Income
October 1-31 49 medium 150.00 7,350.00
November 1-30 55 medium 150.00 8,250.00
December 1-31 40 medium 150.00 6,000.00
Subtotal 21,600.00
January 1-31 72 medium 150.00 10,800.00
February 1-19 87 medium 150.00        13,050.00
5 large 200.00          1,000.00
Subtotal 24,850.00
Grand Total 46,450.00

The group, who market their products at Gigmoto public market and walk-in customers, allocated their income for the group’s fund and operating expenses.

Ms. Elena J. Garcia, SVGDA president shared that their association already had an agreement to supply five trays of eggs to an eatery in town.

If the market demand of the duck eggs is low, each member receives a tray of eggs for consumption. This is to maintain the fresh quality of eggs and refrain from spoilage.

“Ga asa kami, an samuyang bilog na association na maipadagos an SAAD program kasi dakulang tuwang sa samuyang kasaradayan. Nagpapasalamat kami ta igwang programang arog kaini. Padagos kaming maturuwangan nganing maipadagos ini. Mabalos SAAD,” said Ms. Garcia.

(The whole association is hoping that the SAAD program will continue because this is a big help to us. We are thankful because we have a program like this. We will continue to help each other to sustain this project. Thank you, SAAD.)

Further, SVGDA started trying to produce salted eggs, balut, and hatched duck eggs.

In the first two years, the ducks are generally productive, and then it will gradually decrease laying eggs until their retirement age of 5 to 7 years.


Writer:  Jovinel M. Gianan, SAAD Catanduanes Information Officer
Sources: Rea Tomagan and Efren Tablizo, SAAD Catanduanes Area Coordinators
Photos by: Jovinel M. Gianan, SAAD Catanduanes Information Officer

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