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4 farmers’ associations in Apayao receive 126 goats

APAYAO, September 4, 2020 – One hundred twenty-six (126) goats composed of 84 does and 42 bucks were distributed to 21 farmers in the municipality of Calanasan under the Special Area for Agricultural Development (SAAD) Goat Production Project of FY 2020 amounting to Php 2,106,300.00.

The farmers are members of the associations, namely: Naguillian Pantawid Association (6 members); Ninoy Aquino Indigenous Farmer’s Association (5 members); Sabangan Eliazar Farmer’s Association (5 members); and Bayag Farmer’s Association (5 members). Each member received at least 4 does and 2 bucks.

Calanasan Municipal Agriculturist Joey Augubu shared an inspiring remark to the beneficiaries. “Nagasat tayu nga taga Calanasan ta uray kasanu kinarigat idi dalan nga umay idtuy, adda lata blessing nga duman-danun kadatayu. Sapela kuma ta taraknen yu etuy nga animal stock, paadwen yu tapnon kasta ket maiwaras etuy nga blessing kadagiti daduma pay nga makasapul iti livelihood.” [We are blessed to receive interventions, knowing for a fact that Calanasan is one of the remote areas in Apayao. I hope that you will be able to multiply the animal stocks in order to share the livelihood to other unfortunate people who are in need of financial assistance.]

Mrs. Ency Daguio, member of Ninoy Aquino Indigenous Farmer’s Association, shared her gratitude to the program. “Pagyamanak la unay iti agnanayun nga ipak pakita nga suporta iti SAAD, iti kinagpaysuwan na ket kasla nak lang naikkan iti namnama nga adan to metlang idi agur-uray nga napin-pintas a biyag.” [A big thanks to SAAD program for showing us promising support. This intervention gave me a sign of hope to believe that there will be a better life that is yet waiting.]

Backyard Goat Production in Calanasan, Apayao

According to Daisy Aman, Agricultural Center Chief of Apayao, the total population of goat in Apayao in 2019 is 2,314. Calanasan has 389 head or 16.8%.

Goats were important for the livelihood of many families in Apayao. With the development of livestock in the production and meat processing in Kabugao, Mrs. Aman shares that raising goats requires low-cost production and yields high-income return.

“Backyard goat production ket talaga nga sikat idtuy Apayao ta idi contribution na ket dakel nu panggep iti kinabi-biyag iti small farmers idtuy bar-bario mi. Makaited iti tulong panggep iti pagalan iti income isu metten nga iti Provincial Government ket mangteted iti suporta tapno agituy babassit nga farmers tayu keta da iti pagalan da iti pagbiyag da. Nu kumpara iti panagtaraken iti babuy wenu manok, basit iti maintenance na, enough nga mabalin pagrugyan nu panggep agituy nakukurapi nga ka-ili’an tayu.” [Backyard goat production is popular in Apayao, its contribution to the status of small rural folks is commonly considered as vital since it only requires low maintenance. This production is being pushed by the Provincial Government since it allows our farmer-beneficiaries to achieve income stability. It requires low-maintenance as compared to swine and poultry, viable to alleviate poverty since it has a low cost of production but it yields to higher income return.]

Meanwhile, SAAD field implementers in cooperation with the local government unit will assist the beneficiaries in their livelihood project. ###


Writer: Kathleen Faye B. Agonoy, Information Officer I, SAAD Apayao
Copy Editor: Jennifer A. Valcobero, SAAD NPMO Public Relation and Comms Officer

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