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37 carabaos awarded to Bontoc farmers

MOUNTAIN PROVINCE, August 21, 2020 – Thirty-seven (37) carabaos worth Php 1,110,750.00 were awarded to 37 farmer-beneficiaries from Barangay Guina-ang and Dalican in Bontoc for the Carabao Production Project of the Special Area for Agricultural Development (SAAD) Program for FY 2020.

The carabaos were awarded to 17 beneficiaries of Aratey si Inkhawisan Farmers’ Association from Guina-ang and 20 members of Channeg Farmer’s Association from Dalican.

The said project aims to address long-term food sustainability, availability, accessibility, and affordability through community-based carabao production for poverty-stricken households in the said barangays.

The carabaos will be used as plow animals in small rice farm areas. Also, the animals can be a means of transportation for farm inputs and farm produce in areas not reached with motor vehicles.

Governor Bonifacio Lacwasan Jr. and Vice Governor Francis Tauli encouraged the beneficiaries to take good care of their stocks and build continuous consultation with the Office of the Provincial Veterinary (OPVET) to ensure the good health of the animals.

Provincial Veterinarian Rodelio Bagawi also encouraged the beneficiaries to tend to these animals. “Sapay kuma ta haan lang nu panagdo-dokumento iti panagreceive ti nuwang nga uma-umay kayo ta haan lang nga mai-panggep iti nuwang iti pagtungtungtungan. Importante nu nuwang ket iti lugam. Ta uray nu manu nga nuwang dayta nu awan maipakan ket masagaysa da nga maawan. Sunga adda dagita cuttings iti forage wenno fakchong nga kuna tayo ta alaen yo ket imula yo. Nu man kurang umay yo ibaga ta agpa-ala tayo iti pag-mula yo.”

(We are hoping that you will not only attend to receive carabaos because we will not only talk about carabao. Forage is very important in raising carabao. It does not matter how many carabaos you have because if these animals do not have food to eat, they will die one-by-one. We have cuttings of forage or the so-called “fakchong” that you can plant. If those are not enough, please tell us so we can get something for you to plant) Mr. Bagawi said.

Representatives from the Municipal Agriculture Office also reminded the beneficiaries of the importance of insuring the animal stocks with the Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation (PCIC).

Bontoc and Sadanga Area Coordinator Abigail Tudlong, expressed her gratitude that both of the farmer organizations were able to attend the activity. She also challenged them to continue being active and receptive to such projects for this the only way they can give back appreciation to whoever in one way or another contributed for the projects to reach the province.

In addition, she reminded the beneficiaries that it is a community project, thereby, adopting the “pass-on scheme.” First beneficiaries are required to pass-on to the next beneficiary (not a beneficiary of the same livestock) an offspring of the original stock and then to the next one to be able to help other community members.

Meanwhile, the Aratey si Inkhawisan President Hillary Manera and Channeg Farmer’s Association President Eric Banganan expressed their gratitude to the program and the people behind it.

Pagyamanan mi iti kina adda daytoy nga project kar-karo iti naduma-duma nga tinmultulong. Nu pay man kasta ket i-commit mi nga haan lang nga tadta nga umay kami nudiket um-umay kaminto nga bumisbisita para iti nasken nga assistance tapnu mayat iti panagtaraken mi,” [We are grateful for this project and to all who have helped. We are committing that we will not only attend during these activities but we will see to it that we will visit the OPVET for assistance on proper raising of the animal stocks] Manera said.

“Dakami met ket ibaga mi nga aywanan mi dagitoy da nga tulong nga inmay kanya mi,” [We will take good care of the animal stocks that were provided to us] Banganan expressed.

Guina-ang, Bontoc

 Guinaang’s population as determined by the 2015 Census is 1,547. This represented 6.28% of the total population of Bontoc ( It is the second poorest barangay of Bontoc based on the Community Based Management Survey (CBMS) of 2013.

Agricultural farming is the main source of subsistence in the area. The community is into backyard poultry, livestock, heirloom rice, root crops, and fruit trees production.

Dalican, Bontoc

Dalican is the farthest and poorest barangay of Bontoc. In the first year of assistance, the establishment of integrated farming on table egg production and banana production project took place. The beneficiaries endeavor to expand venture on large ruminant raising to convert the area’s bare land to a productive pasture area of 616 hectares, according to Municipal Planning and Development Office data.

Further, the groups will be closely monitored by the program and its partner agencies to see how they perform since it is not only for production but also with the intention of giving them support on their rice farming activities. The stocks are expected to be trained as plow animals. ###


Writer: Deenah Ay-yango, Information Officer I, Mt. Province and Evangeline Yambot, Regional Information Officer



Marjorie V. Casilla. Carabao Raising: A Community-Based Project for Livelihood Improvement. 2020

Marjorie V. Casilla. Carabao and Cattle Production: A Community-Based Project for Livelihood Improvement. 2020

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