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SAAD Region VII holds quarterly assessment in Siquijor

SIQUIJOR, PHILIPPINES—The Special Area for Agricultural Development (SAAD) Program of the Department of Agriculture (DA) held its 2nd Quarter Assessment at Dapdap Sunset Grill, in Pangi, Siquijor, Siquijor on July 10-11, 2018.

The assessment was attended by Program implementers from the Regional and Provincial Program Management Support Office (RPMSO/PPMSO) which includes staff from Negros Oriental and Siquijor—two SAAD provinces in Regional Field Office (RFO) VII. Also present in the activity is ACC-II/APCO Ms. Bernadith S. Bunado from DA-PATCO Siquijor.

For his part, SAAD Focal Person in Region VII Engr. Eugene C. Cahiles gave an update regarding the status of the 2018 implementation SAAD program in the region.

During the event, Negros Oriental Provincial Coordinator Mr. Jaypee Soldivillo and Siquijor Interim Provincial Coordinator (also Area Coordinator) Ms. Agnes Guanella Café reported the Physical Accomplishments as of 2nd Quarter.

The SAAD Map of Interventions were also presented by the Provincial ITs in SAAD Negros Oriental and Siquijor, which was their output during the 1st National IT Assessment in Baguio City on 4-8 June 2018.

The conduct of the Multi-Year Planning (MYP) for FY 2020-2022 was agreed upon to be held in the SAAD covered provinces of Region VII on August.

An upcoming event for Siquijor has been discussed as well. This is a field visit in the dragon fruit farm of Mr. Aniano Inao (one of the Dragon Fruit producers in Siquijor). He will also serve as a resource person Dragon Fruit Production Technology Training slated on 12-13 July. ###


Writer: Ela Arciaga, SAAD NPMO PR & Communications Officer

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