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Bayugan City gears for aquaculture production through SAAD Program

AGUSAN DEL SUR, April 15, 2021 – Bayugan City Mayor Kirk A. Asis led the stocking of tilapia fingerlings in the ponds of the Department of Agriculture-Special Area for Agricultural Development (DA-SAAD) Program beneficiaries Jejobel E. Juntilla and Metodio C. Jamero from Barangays Noli and San Isidro to support the aquaculture industry.

Together with the OIC-City Agriculturist Sylvia A. Pama and Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources – Provincial Fishery Officer (BFAR-PFO) Bimbo C. Lagare, the distribution of 6,000 pcs tilapia fingerlings (Php 2,700) and 37 bags of feed inputs (Php 36,000) for each beneficiary was made possible.

The inputs provided were part of the Tilapia Culture in Pond Project’s FY 2020 budget.

Each fisher has a 1,000 square meters (m²) area which can accommodate the provided tilapia fingerlings. If the desired weight is reached, each fisher may earn an estimated income of Php 75,000 from the 500 kilograms (kg) expected tilapia harvest weight in August with the market price of Php 120-150/kg.

BFAR SAAD will provide another set of fingerlings and feeds in September to the two new beneficiaries.

Partnership with the LGU

To achieve the goal of fish sufficiency and poverty alleviation among the fisherfolk in Bayugan City, the DA-SAAD through BFAR called to strengthen its collaboration with the City Agriculture Office during the said event.

Mayor Asis expressed his support as he announced to host a harvest festival in August to ensure the marketing of the fish products.

As per record, the local government unit (LGU) of Bayugan City has 7 SAAD household beneficiaries for aquaculture livelihood.

To boost knowledge and capacity of the farmers and fishers, PFO Lagare committed that BFAR Agusan del Sur will extend its continued support for the fishery development initiatives of the LGU through fishery technology demonstrations and capacity enhancement activities. ###


Copy-editor: Natalianne Marie Delos Reyes, PR and Comms Officer- SAAD NPMO

Source: PFO Agusan del Sur

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