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SAAD continues the ISLAM Project distribution in Datu Saudi Ampatuan

MAGUINDANAO — The Special Area for Agricultural Development (SAAD) Program Maguindanao distributed 550 heads of mallard ducks and 100 200-kg bags of feeds, for 25 beneficiaries from Barangay Ki tango in the municipality of Datu Saudi Ampatuan on February 6, 2018.

The distribution of SAAD Maguindanao is in cooperation with the Office of Provincial Agriculturist, Municipal Agriculture Office, Municipal Local Government Unit, & Barangay Local Government Units.

Vice Mayor Datu Rasul Sangki expressed gratitude to the SAAD on behalf of his constituents and the Mayor of the municipality of Datu Saudi Ampatuan. He stated: “We are very much thankful for this project, ISLAM Project, despite the negative image of our municipality. My role is to take it as a challenge to encourage others to put more businesses and projects in our place by instilling Peace and Order. Let us all face the challenge and trust ALLAH, Insha Allah!” ###

Writer: Jemiema Arro, SAAD Communications Officer

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